In My Mailbox #16

Good morning readers! I hope you’re enjoying your morning! I am recovering from a night out last night, coffee in hand! lol

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.

I received a parcel from Harlequin Teen this week with a copy of The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter and Saving June by Hannah Harrington! These have both appeared in previous versions of In My Mailbox, but I am planning on doing a review of each and then some form of associated giveaway when the review is posted. Early stages yet!

I bought some pretty big titles this week. I LOVE my mailbox books this week. :)

Bloodlines - Richelle Mead

I was a liiiiittle hesitant to buy this because I haven’t quite gotten around to reading the Vampire Academy series. But after a discussion with the Dymocks staff, we believe that whilst it has characters from the VA series, it will be able to be read as a stand alone series. So it will be interesting to see how it reads from the perspective of someone who hasn’t read the other books!
Blood Red Road - Moira Young

If I am honest, I am not a fan of either the US or International covers. But I continually keep hearing this book come up time and time again. And as a dystopian fan, I’ve been told it’s a “must read”. So I am going in with an open mind on this one!
Forgotten - Cat Patrick

Sounds completely intriguing. It’s about a girl who’s memories of each day are erased as she sleeps at night. She wakes with only bisions of the future. It’s been really hyped up upon its release so I am keen to see what it’s all about!
Awaken - Katie Kacvinsky

I really love the idea of where this book is coming from. Everyone interacts on the internet, they don’t leave home anymore, they do absolutely everything online these days. Until Maddie meets Justin.. who likes people and likes going outside, and likes talking to people face to face. I can’t wait to read this!

What’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section as always!

What do you think?

  • Paige says:

    I’ve heard a lot about Blood Red Road & i cant wait to read it! I hope you like it!! Check out my IMM

  • melissa says:

    forgotten looks amazing! thanks for sharing your imm

  • I read the VA series by Mead and loved it. I’ve heard mixed reviews about the spin off but I’ll still check it out.

    Come is what’s In My Mailbox

  • Brenna says:

    I haven’t read VA either, but I loved Bloodlines! I thought it was great and I would highly recommend it :) Definitely worked for me as a stand-alone.

  • Valia says:

    Oh I want to read Bloodlines!!!I need to get my hands on that book!!! Enjoy!!!

  • Sash and Em says:

    Nice set! :) Bloodlines is crazy popular this week!

    Hope you enjoy.

    new follower!

    Our IMM

  • prettybooks says:

    I want to read Awaken and Forgotten too! I also have Bloodlines and have read Blood Red Road - really good :)

  • Scarlett says:

    I just finished Bloodlines and liked having the background of the other VA books. While it’s not a perfect series, it is diverting and I’m glad I read through them at least once. It will be interesting to see what you think of everything, though it does give a way a whole bunch from books before it. Great IMM!

    Here’s my IMM!

  • chelleyreads says:

    i’ve been meaning to pick up a copy of bloodlines myself. the series sounds awesome. great IMM this week-enjoy all your books (which i’m sure you will).

    i hope you can stop by and check out our WoW this week.


  • Chel says:

    I finished Bloodline yesterday and it was awesome! Hope you like it too. :)

    Happy reading!

    Chel @ The Procrastinator’s Corner

  • Goldilox says:

    Darn! I saw Blood Red Road at the library this weekend but didn’t pick it up! Now I see it in everyone’s IMM! One for next week I guess! I’m a new follower by the way. :)

    Here’s my IMM:

    Happy reading,

  • Blood Red Road was awesome. Bloodlines sounds pretty cool, I have to get around to my copy soon. Happy reading!!

    Stop by my IMM

  • BSA says:

    You got a nice set of books. I cannot wait to start reading Bloodlines.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

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