Late Blog Hop!

Q. If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

I’d be either one of two things. Either a character similar to Sookie Stackhouse, surrounded by many hot vampires, warewolves and other creatures (considering the action never ends in those books! Sookie always finds her way in and out of trouble!) or a kick ass lead female in a dystopian type novel like Divergent. I think that’d be a bit of fun!

“What’s the LONGEST book you’ve ever read?”
(Note: I’m putting one caveat on this question. You aren’t allowed to say the Bible, Torah, Qur’an, or other religious/spiritual text.)

Hrrrrm probably The Stand by Stephen King. I’ll be honest… long books intimidate me and I try and steer clear of them unless it’s something I REALLY want to read! Like The Passage… it’s on my shelf, and I want to read it. But it’s super mega chunky.


What do you think?

  • Christy says:

    When I downloaded The Passage to my kindle, I didn’t even know how long it was. When I got to about 20% I started thinking it was taking a long time, so I checked online and was shocked that it was like 800 pgs. But it was really good and worth the time.

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