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Massive August Giveaway @ Book Nerd!

Posted by on August 1, 2011

Not one, but TWO books up for grabs this month! You will win two books from the same series this month. As to what books they are, you can choose 1 of 3 different book packs depending on your tastes (after all, we’re not all the same!).

This giveaway is bought to you by The Book Depository - if they deliver to your country, count yourself in!

You can choose one of the following book packs to win:


Book Pack 1 - Fairy Tales With A Twist
Sisters Red & Sweetly by Jackson Pearce


Book Pack 2 - Conning Duo
Heist Society & Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter


Book Pack 3 - Brainssss! Zombie Pack
Feed & Deadline by Mira Grant


Terms and Conditions:

  • This giveaway is open internationally (to where Book Depository delivers)
  • You must be over 13 years of age to enter
  • The contest closes on 31st August 2011 at 6pm AEST (Australian Time)
  • A winner will be chosen via
  • The winner will be contacted via email
  • Book Nerd Reviews is not responsible for any issues with delivery


To enter, you need to complete this form - please do not leave details below!

10 Responses to Massive August Giveaway @ Book Nerd!

  1. ZoeRainDasher

    Um..Thanks Melissa!

  2. SusieBookworm

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been after Jackson Pearce’s books forever; maybe this time I’ll get lucky!

    • Melissa

      Good luck! Her books are AMAZING! I am so looking forward to Sweetly. I have preordered it for myself.

  3. Alanna

    Awesome choices!

  4. Angelica

    This may seem like a really stupid question but what’s the “Sample question 2″?

    Also love the book choices

  5. Janhvi Jagtap


  6. Evie

    Thanks a lot for the chance!

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