In My Mailbox #20

Good afternoon readers! It’s Sunday, and I have been really looking forward to IMM this week!

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.

I have a couple more books than normal this week since I picked up some bargains!

Where She Went - Gayle Forman

I found this gem for $5 on sale! I am currently reading If I Stay which is the first book in this series, and it’s so far absolutely amazing. I realise this is far from a new release, but I have only just got around to it. I am already looking forward to reading this!
Days Like This - Alison Stewart

Yay for Australian YA books! This new release is an Australian dystopian novel set in corrupt Sydney. I am so excited to read this! The only other book I can think of which might be somewhat similar is perhaps Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden, however that is based on another country invading Australia and we’re at war. This one is proper dystopian and has received some amazing reviews!
Before I Die - Jenny Downham

Again another book that’s not a new release! But I have been wanting to check this out for a while. A book about a girl who knows she doesn’t have long to live as she’s dying of leukemia. On her bucket list.. losing her virginity. It sounds like an interesting read.. I am preparing myself for this to be sad. It sounds like it could be sad…

Cryer’s Cross - Lisa McMann

This sounds really spooky - and you may know this about me already, but I LOVE spooky! The scarier it is, the more I will love it! I am seeing words on Goodreads such as epic, scary, goosebumps, terrifying… oh I hope so!

What’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section as always!

What do you think?

  • Mist @ Bookaholics Book Club says:

    I’m yet to read if I stay and before I die but they seem like books everyone should read and I see them all over!

    Here’s my IMM

  • Carina says:

    Aaah, I still need to get a copy of If I Stay, so I can finally start reading this series. I’m starting to believe that I’m the only one so far who hasn’t. :D
    I hope you enjoy your new books!

    Have a lovely week,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  • Where She Went is really good! I’ve never heard of Before I Die, but it sounds really interesting!

  • Giselle says:

    NIce haul! BEfore I Die has been on my TBR list a while. Hope you like it.

    Xpresso Reads
    Don’t forget to enter my giveaways for some ARCs.

  • Awesome lists of books. A lot of people love Gayle Forman’s books. New follower. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog.

  • lisa says:

    Cryer’s Cross, was awesome! I had to read it in the morning, so I wouldn’t get nightmares.

    I’m also in the middle of reading Lisa McMann’s Wake series(:


  • Jade says:

    WOW. You got a ton of books this week. I really want to read Before I Die and Cryer’s Cross. I have If I Stay and haven’t read it it yet so I’m on the fence for Where She Went. Great IMM this week!

    My IMM

  • Paige says:

    I haven’t heard of any of those books but they look interesting so i hope you enjoy them! Come check out my IMM!!

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