6 Month Blogiversary + 500 Followers MASSIVE giveaway!

I told you all it was coming! I was hoping I would have 500 followers, but as I am only 10 followers away I figure let’s just get this rolled out! This competition is in addtion to my current October Giveaway!

In 6 short months (October 25th marks the date), to have had as much support and success has been more than I ever expected. I have met fantastic people along the way, readers, other bloggers and even started developing solid relationships with publishers too.

This giveaway, is really just me saying thank you to everyone who has and continues to support Book Nerd Reviews. I don’t think until you run your own site do you realise how much money it all costs. I run no ads on this site, I make no money. Between covering hosting costs, and giveaways, usually I spend well over $50 a month just RUNNING this site for everyone to enjoy. And to come here each day to awesome comments and feedback - well, it makes me smile. So thank you!

And because I love you guys so much, there is going to be THREE WINNERS to this giveaway!! Pick any book you like, I’ll give away the same book three times if I have to (if it’s popular!). This competition is international to anywhere that the Book Depository ships to!

The THREE winners will each be able to choose ONE (1) book each of their liking of the following books:

Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Carrier Of The Mark by Leigh Fallon
The Devouring by Simon Holt
Eve by Anna Carey
Daughter Of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
The Name Of The Star by Maureen Johnson

Terms and Conditions:

  • This giveaway is open internationally (to where Book Depository delivers)
  • You must be over 13 years of age to enter
  • The contest closes on 18th November 2011 at 6pm AEST (Australian Time)
  • A winner will be chosen via random.org
  • The winner will be contacted via email
  • Book Nerd Reviews is not responsible for any issues with delivery

To enter, you need to complete this form.

What do you think?

  • Jennie says:

    Congrats on the 6 month blogoversary!! :D

  • Wwo, that’s some progress in six months, congratulations :-)

  • or ‘Wow’ even :-)

    • Melissa says:

      Thanks Sarah! Onwards and upwards right? ;) I am quietly pretty proud of myself - only because I put so much effort into this site.. it’s nice to know hard work pays off!

      I know you’re a regular too, so thank you! xx

  • Evie says:

    Congrats on your followers! And Happy Blogiversary!
    Thanks a lot for this great giveaway!

  • Giselle says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats and Happy Blogiversary! :)
    I’m also celebrating 500 followers if you want to enter my giveaway drop on by!

    Xpresso Reads

  • Lilith says:

    congrats on your followers and happy blogoversary :D

    thank you for your giveaway *__*

  • Barmy_Bex says:

    Congrats on the blogoversary and followers. here’s to many more years of success. :D

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  • Congrats on 500, and thanks so much for making this international! :D

    • Melissa says:

      My pleasure! Living in Australia I know how frustrating it is when it seems like there isn’t very many international giveaways - Book Depository has free worldwide shipping!

  • Mary DeBorde says:

    Hugs & Congrats on such a wonderful
    milestone!! :D

  • Congrats on the followers and the blogiversary!!! *throws confetti full of bright colors and lots of glitter*
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  • Mary Preston says:

    Congratulations & thank you!!


  • Congrates on the milestone and the wonderful blog.

  • Mel S says:

    Congratulations on the huge landmark!! Big party and yummy cakes all round! :)

  • Natasha J says:

    Awesome giveaway!!! Thanks:)

  • Mary DeBorde {M.A.D.} says:

    Melissa, I just had a good idea - since you are doing such a sweet & generous giveaway for your readers, I think you should also treat YOURSELF to whatever book is at the top of your *wish* list, guilt free, and know that you deserve a treat just as much as anybody else lol ;D

    Again, super *hugs & congrats*!

  • Giada M. says:

    Congrats! ^O^ And thank you for this awesome giveaway! :D

  • Congrats on getting to 500 followers and on the 6 month blogoversary!

  • Angie says:

    Congratz on the 500 followers! I see you have more now ;) Awesome blog btw! And thanks for the giveaway!

  • […] Book Nerd being around for 6 months! To enter that amazing giveaway (if you have not already), click here for more! There will be three winners for my 500 followers […]

  • Latoya says:

    Congratulations, love the blog!

  • Anna Friday says:

    Congrats and thanks.

  • Kara DiDomizio says:

    Congrats on the book followers! ^^ It’s a great blog.
    I’ve been looking at it for a while, finally GFC’ed today ^^

  • Kara DiDomizio says:

    Congrats on the book followers! ^^ It’s a great blog.
    I’ve been looking at it for a while, finally GFC’ed today!
    Thanks. - Kara D

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