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Book Nerd Reviews October Book Giveaway!

Posted by on October 1, 2011

Welcome to the first competition for October! I say first because I am anticipating a huge 500 follower giveaway about midway through October also with even more to giveaway and more winners!

So true to Book Nerd’s style if you’ve entered previous competitions, I usually give you a choice from a number of options. You tell me this is what you like, and so this month is no different!


This month only, instead of there being just one winner? There’s going to be three winners! That is right! I am giving away three books! In the interest of making sure these books go to a good home though, you can enter only once. You can choose only one book - so choose the one you want to win the most! And then at the end of this month I will select three winners, one for each book. Make sense?

Book 1 - Anna Dressed In Blood - Kendare Blake

Book 2 - If I Stay - Gayle Forman

Book 3 - The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin

Terms and Conditions:

  • This giveaway is open internationally (to where Book Depository delivers)
  • You must be over 13 years of age to enter
  • The contest closes on 31st October 2011 at 6pm AEST (Australian Time)
  • A winner will be chosen via
  • The winner will be contacted via email
  • Book Nerd Reviews is not responsible for any issues with delivery

To enter, you need to complete this form - please do not leave details in the comments as your entry will not count!

20 Responses to Book Nerd Reviews October Book Giveaway!

  1. Donna @ Book Passion for Life

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  2. melissa @just one opinion

    mara dyer! i cant wait to read that one :)

  3. Evie

    Thanks a lot for the chance.

  4. Colleen @ Les Livres

    Thanks for the giveaway! Great choices to pick from. :)

  5. rogier

    Thanks a lot for the chance.

  6. Denise Z

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway opportunity. If this turns out to be a duplicate comment, I apologize, I hit submit and everything went away LOL. I would love to read Anna Dressed in Blood, Book #1. I hopped over from facebook and appreciate the invite / reminder :) about the fun.

  7. pabkins

    That is one sweet offering. I keep holding out on buying Mara thinking I’ll win a copy (really it’s because the man cut me off from book buying for several months since I went balistic at the borders closeout sales. Poor poor me lol

    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  8. Scarlett

    Thanks so much for hosting this sweet giveaway!

  9. Tiffany

    Thankyou so much for your generosity and this chance! :) would really want to read book #2 If I Stay by Gayle Forman.

  10. Dani @ Refracted Light

    What an awesome giveaway! :) Thanks so much! I’ve been dying to read Mara Dyer!

  11. Ali

    All three look great!

  12. Ashley Holt

    Thanks a bunch!

  13. Mary DeBorde {M.A.D.}

    Thank you for all these super sweet giveaways!!! I’m drooling just looking at these book covers

    And I can’t believe you’ve got If I Stay, I’ve been wanting to read that so much!

  14. Giada M.

    All these books sound great! Thank you for this chance!

  15. Angie

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been gying to read ‘Anna Dressed in Blood’ and ‘The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer’! Hope I win :)

  16. Angie

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been dying to read ‘Anna Dressed in Blood’ and ‘The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer’! Hope I win :)

  17. Christina C.

    This is an AMAZING giveaway! Thanks so much!

    Gayle Forman’s book looks incredible.

  18. Christina C.

    Which one of the three is your fave?

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