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Blog hopping!

Posted by on October 1, 2011

Q. What book that hasn’t been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?

I just finished reading If I Stay by Gayle Forman, and I could EASILY see this being an amazing movie. I am just starting Where She Went and I heard it’s even better than the first so I think it’s fair to say both could be combined into one movie or maybe two seperate movies?

Also, maybe Divergent by Veronica Roth, Delirium by Lauren Oliver or Enclave by Ann Aguirre? Dystopian books would make amazing movies!


Book Blogger Hop

“In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?”
Click here for 2010-11 list in PDF format. You can also click HERE to view past years and choose from any of those titles!


I think most people will have the same answer as me this week… lol I am going to say the Hunger Games! It was this series that propelled my love for YA fiction and also for dystopian books, since this was the first book of that kind that I’ve ever read!

Special mention though to The Curous Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon which was such a fantastically written book about a boy who has Aspergers Syndrome which is a mild form of Autism. This book was absolutely amazing and was challenged due to “foul language”.

Books are there to be marvelled and to be taken to another place. They are there to entertain and to share new ideas and concepts we may have never given much thought to without them. They are there to educate and also to relax. They shouldn’t be banned due to narrowminded opinions!


One Response to Blog hopping!

  1. AlisonCanRead

    Hopping through. I so want If I Stay to be a movie. I know if was being talked about for awhile, but I don’t know if anything is going further.
    My Hop

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