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Friday Blog Hop!

Posted by on October 14, 2011

Q: If you could have characters from a book meet and form an epic storyline with characters from a TV series, which characters would you choose and why?

I would have the True Blood vamps confront the Cullens from Twilight and show them what being a real vampire is all about!! ;) hehe


Book Blogger Hop
“What is your favorite spooky book (i.e. mystery/suspense, thriller, ghost story, etc.)?”

I really loved Bad Girls Don’t Die by Katie Alender which is a ghost story at its finest! I own but am yet to read its sequel From Bad To Cursed! Also Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake was amazing and scary! Read it!!!!

I also highly recommend Stephen King books… he is the master!


9 Responses to Friday Blog Hop!

  1. Kristan

    I love your mesh of True Bloods and Twilight…”show them what its like to be a real vampire” hahahah
    It seems this combo has been popular today =)

    new follower
    My Follow Friday
    P.S. Come check out my first giveaway here

  2. Anna

    Hahahah it would be so great to see these two worlds collide! I’m pretty sure Eric would eat Edward for lunch :)

    new follower

    My Follow Friday

  3. Christy (Love of Books)

    HAHA.. that is funny. Eric vs Edward….. hmmm..

  4. Holjo

    Hopping through for Feature & Follow Friday.

    Stop by Pedantic Phooka for a $25 Amazon Giftcard giveaway this weekend.

    Have a great weekend!
    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  5. Kate2440 @ Kate's Book Life

    great choice a popular choice also.
    New follower

  6. Kelly

    Interesting choice! Found you though #FF…check mine out Here!

    P.s. Speak is a great book! (Noticed it in your upcoming reads).

  7. Jac @ For Love And Books

    True Blood meets Twilight? AWESOME!!

    I love Stephen King - he’s a GREAT story teller! (I’m nearly done with the Dark Tower, which is a strange step away from his “norm” but I love it none the less!)

  8. Rachael

    Ha! Love me some vampires :) Twilight and True Blood are VERY different vampires but it would be fun!

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