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In My Mailbox #23

Posted by on October 16, 2011

Good morning readers! It’s Sunday! I had a very late night last night doing a ghost tour in an old town called Ballarat!! Oooooo! hehe But that story can wait until later!

It’s time for me to tell you what was in my mailbox this week!

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.

Three amazing books this week - soooooo many great new releases out at the moment right?!

Eve - Anna Carey

Wow… I stumbled across this in Melbourne.. I didn’t even know it had already been released here. Better yet it was in HARDCOVER! We don’t do many hardcover books in Australia so this was an awesome find. I may have squeeled in the book store a little.
Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor

I don’t know how to describe this book… it sounds a little out of this world. But it’s had SO many good reviews and major hype that I thought I should try it.
The Name Of The Star - Maureen Johnson

This looks SO awesome! Historical fiction, but it looks like it has some tie ins with Jack The Ripper - which as a crime buff sounds AMAZING! I want to read this as soon as possible!

What’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section as always!

13 Responses to In My Mailbox #23

  1. Paige Bradish

    I hope you enjoy all of your books! Especially Eve i cannot wait to read that one! Come check out my IMM!!

  2. Mesa

    I’m so jealous! I’ve been wanting to read Daughter of Smoke & Bone since I first heard about it. Hope you like it and hope you enjoy your books! Happy Reading!

  3. Jac @ For Love and Books

    I am insanely jealous of all your books this week!!

  4. Christy (Love of Books)

    I really want to read those books, great IMM. I want to hear about the ghost tour too!

  5. Racquel (A Book Barbie)

    People have been very 50-50 about Eve. Either liked it or hated it so I hope it won’t be disappointed to you since you’re so excited for it!

    Daughter of Smoke and Bone is fantastic and generally don’t enjoy paranormal much so that’s a good sign!!

    The Name of the star sounds fantastic & I can’t wait to read it myself so ENJOY:D

    -thank you&come again.

  6. Liza @ Book Crook Liza

    I love love loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone! It definitely was really strange at first - I thought it was totally trippy, but it was a really interesting book! I have The Name of the Star, but haven’t read it yet - look forward to your review! An Eve is on my list of books I want to get a hold of! :)

    Hope you have a nice Sunday!

    My IMM!

  7. jowearsoldcoats

    Loooooved DOSM, it’s absolutely brilliant.
    I really want to read The Name of the Star! Hope it’s as good as it sounds :)

    Happy reading!

  8. Claire

    You went on a ghost hunt? How cool! Daughter of Smoke and Bone sounds awesome, I can’t wait to read it.

    My IMM is here if you’d like a look :)

  9. Rebecca

    I have to admit I’m quite jealous of you this week! Three books and all those I want badly myself. ;o I hope you enjoy them all! Can’t wait to try them myself.

    My IMM!

  10. Carina

    Daughter of Smoke and Bone is out of this world - but in a very positive way. It’s such an amazing and unique story; I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!
    I also liked The Name of the Star a lot. It’s quite a unique story as well. :)
    Enjoy these!

    Have a lovely week,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  11. Amanda Welling

    As always, wonderful books this week! I have a few fun things going on my blog right now, too. I have three giveaways Signed ARC of Out of OZ, Love and Marriage Giveaway, October Book Giveaways and they have a total of 13 books and a swag pack you can win. Stop by to check it out!

    I hope you have a fabulous week of reading!

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  12. Amber (Books of Amber)

    Great books! These are all on my wishlist. I’m dying to read The Name of the Star!

    Books of Amber

  13. AlisonCanRead

    Fab set! I can’t wait to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Name of the Star.
    My IMM

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