It’s Friday!

TGIF is a weekly meme to re-cap the week’s posts & to propose a question for my followers. It is run by Ginger at GReads

Spooktacular Reads: Which books do you consider festive Halloween reads? Which stories have chilled you to the bone?

Anna Dressed In Blood - Kendare Blake

I absolutely adored Anna… this was the perfect Halloween. I don’t think it’s as SCARY as a lot of people are making it out to be, but then again, I don’t scare easily! Definitely creepy though and a fun read.

The Devouring (The Devouring #1) - Simon Holt

The first book in the Devouring series… it was one of the best horror books I have ever read. Totally original and left me wanting more.

Soulstice (The Devouring #2) - Simon Holt

The second book in the Devouring series, was just as good - if not better than the first book! It really built the story up and left us on a massive cliffhanger!

Fearscape (The Devouring #3) - Simon Holt

I finally finished this one last night, and it was the perfect ending for a really great scary series! Highly recommend all three!

Bad Girls Don’t Die - Katie Alender

The first book in the Bad Girls Don’t Die series (The sequel is called From Bad To Cursed). I reviewed this one a while ago and it was such a fantastic ghost story!


Q: If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?

Anna from Anna & The French Kiss! There was so much amazing food in that book that it would be hard to top, but I am thinking Nutella filled crepes would be perfect!


“What is your favorite Halloween costume?
Even if you don’t celebrate, what kinds of costumes do you like?”

We don’t do costumes in Australia, but if we did… and in an imaginary land where I had the figure for it, I would love to be Wonder Woman!





What do you think?

  • Jackie says:

    Oh, Nutella is my achilles heel!! I haven’t read that book, but have heard great things about it.

    New follower!
    Here’s my FF:

  • Kristan says:

    Omgosh crepes sound so good right now. Eating them in Paris would be even better. And even though I loved Anna, I’d totally squeeze in some St. Clair time as well =)

    old follower

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

    My Follow Friday

  • Taneika says:

    Yay! Another Australian blogger!! I don’t get the whole dressing up for Halloween thing… haha, I’ve done it once and it was the stupidest costume ever!! It’s on my blog :)

    I’m a new follower!

  • Kristina says:

    I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood yet, but I want too. That other series looks really good too!

    Anna would be so much fun at dinner!

    New follower :)

    Ladybug Storytime

  • Old follower here :D

    Bad Girls Don’t Die has such an awesome cover! One of my favorite reads, too. Haven’t got to read Anna Dressed in Blood yet, but it’s right near the top of my TBR list ~

  • mary Ann Langan says:

    Wonder woman is a great choice, happy Friday!

  • Wonder Woman rocks! Superhero’s are the way to go!

    I would LOVE to eat with Anna in AatFK! France seems like they have some of the yummiest food. I think I’d do THE CHICAGOLAND VAMPIRES because she is always talking about the food there and my mouth is always salivating!

    ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD was quite creepy! Excellent pick!

  • Oh gosh now I am craving Nutella! I remember having it for the first time as a kid, and I have been hooked ever since. I like to make Nutella and marshmallow fluff toast sandwiches! Yum.

  • I hadn’t heard of The Devouring until I read this post - and now I’m curious enough about it to want to pick it up.
    And Nutella <3

  • I have seen Anna dressed in Blood in basically ever TGIF post today! Is it THAT creepy? I must read it and see! To be honest, I never ever came across those Devouring books, score for me to find new books. Thanks!

    dinner with Anna & The French Kiss characters would probably be one of the best dinners ever! They’re all so funny it would be the greatest day ever especially if I was eating nutella, YUUUM<3 great pick!

    My school principle is OBSESSED with captain America, he's just OBSESSED and that Wonder Women costume reminds me off him XD you would be one of his favorite students lol

    here is my FF((:

    -thank you&come again.

  • Those Devouring covers look so beautiful all lined up like that :-)

  • Christinabean says:

    Hi there! I am also a fan of Wonder Woman…I remember dressing up as her when I was younger…although I didn’t look nearly as good as this photo… :P
    Christinabean from
    The Paperback Princesses (

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