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My new Kindle!

Posted by on October 11, 2011

I feel like SUCH a traitor right now.

You see, I own a perfectly good Kobo reader. It’s been there for me whenever I’ve needed it for the last 18 months. It’s cute, sturdy, dependable and durable. And it looks completely cute in this cover I bought it from etsy

And then I went out and bought an Amazon Kindle. *sigh* Bad owner… bad bad owner.

They only just recently have been released in retail stores in Australia. I’ve always wanted one, and many a time have found myself loitering around the website hovering over the purchase button, but the sheer cost combined with postage to Australia was enough of a deterant that I didn’t buy. Plus, who needs TWO e-readers right? Right.

And then last week I walked into Big W and was doing my usual thing, where I lurk around the YA bookshelves. I had 3 books in my hands and decided that it was probably time for me to go home before I do more damage. And then I spotted it. The pile of Kindles fresh in. 3G + WiFi. And I grabbed it… and put it back. After all, I am saving up for a trip to the US right now, I have my Kobo at home - I don’t NEED it.

Fast forward to last night. Doing my groceries at Woolworths. And I swear… these Kindles are stalking me! My grocery store never sells electronics like this. And all of a sudden, they decide to stock these! Argh! I pick up the demo… it feels so smooth and light. It’s pretty. And I buy it.

Now… don’t get me wrong, because I don’t regret it. But really, I am a marketers dream because I crack too EASY! But it’s sleek and gorgeous. And it has internet capabilities and a keypad, and it loads faster and pages flick way quicker.

I’m so so sorry Kobo. I promise I will use you every now and then. But for now it’s back on the shelf for you. Don’t get me wrong, the Kobo has many great defining features. But the Kindle is my new toy. lol I will shortly post a comparison between the two in the next week for those interested in e-readers!

I ended up buying Sweetly by Jackson Pearce for my Kindle (As well as the hardcover a couple of weeks ago) and I’m wizzing through it. Here’s a picture of me reading it on the train ride home today:

7 Responses to My new Kindle!

  1. June M.

    I LOVE my kindle!

  2. Sarah Pearson

    I am so jealous. And I bet your kobo doesn’t believe you when you tell it you’ll still be friends :-)

  3. Rebecca

    Yay on the Kindle! They are absolutely awesome. *nods* Not that I’ve tried a Kobo. I hope he doesn’t give you the silent treatment for long. ;)

  4. Simon Haynes

    Definitely a fan of the Kindle - for the past five-ten years I’ve hardly bought anything new to read because we ran out of room to store books. (3000-4000 seem to be the wall space limit without double-stacking them all.)
    With my Kindle there are no limits.

  5. Rebecca

    Poor Mel! Just couldn’t resist ha. You better start sucking up to your Kobo.

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