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One For The Money trailer

Posted by on October 13, 2011

I am completely excited for the upcoming movie One For The Money based on the book with the same title by Janet Evanovich. You might know this as book number 1 of the Stephanie Plum series? I read this book a few years back and rememeber completely adoring it. And now the movie is set to come out soon with Katherine Heigl and it makes me want to read the book all over again. In fact, I may just do that. But I wanted to share!


6 Responses to One For The Money trailer

  1. Amy

    I loved this series so much! I can’t wait for it the movie to come out! I’m a Katherine Heigl fan, so hopefully the movie does the book justice!

  2. Sarah Pearson

    Am I the only person left in the world that hasn’t read these books? This film looks like fun, though :-)

    • Melissa

      I’ve only read the first one! But I want to read the others.. and I think I’ll make that my mission in the next few months!

  3. Sarah Pearson

    Am I the only person left in the world who hasn’t read these books? This film looks like fun, though :-)

  4. Karen @ Book Light Graveyard

    I’m soooo excited for this movie! I’ve read all the books except for the newest one. And I love Katherine Heigl, so that makes me want to see this even more!

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