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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted by on October 4, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by Tahleen at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because due to a love of lists and what better way to celebrate lists than with book related ones?

This weeks topic is:
Top Ten Book Endings That Left Me With My Mouth Hanging Open (because of the cliffhanger or because it the ending was MINDBLOWING, etc. Be careful with spoilers on this one! )

Okay.. so I will saw now that I don’t think I quite have 10 books. Most of the books I read you can see the ending coming and it finishes as it should. Not too often have I been left jaw dropping!

1. The Hunger Games trilogy was the first YA dystopian series I have ever read, and lucky for me I bought all three books before I started reading. It’s the first time I have ever read the last page of a book and immediately picked up the next to continue on. Those books left you on a major cliffhanger!
2. The Twilight Saga - The first EVER YA series I ever read (in recent years) and it was the most tense time. As I was reading, I was all consumed by these books. As soon as I finished one book, the ending would beckon me to continue and I did. The ending of Breaking Dawn though left me agasp.. not necessarily in a good way. lol
The next three are getting the Jodi Picoult treatment. She loooooves nothing more than books with a twist at the end. Sometimes good, and some of them have been pretty bad IMO.
3. House Rules - Jodi Picoult - The first ever book of hers I read (and loved)… except the ending which left me looking more like this: :/It came from nowhere, I was blindsighted!
4. Handle With Care - Jodi Picoult - Okay, the ending of this book angered me. I spoke to someone else who read this and she said to me it was like the whole book was written building this big thing up.. all for nothing. I loved the rest of the book, and it’s worth a read! See if it makes you as angry as it made me!
5. Sing You Home - Jodi Picoult - I didn’t mind the ending of this, but like the other Jodi Picoult books I have mentioned, I just didn’t see it coming. And to some they may argue it makes the book itself seem redundant. I still think it was good.
6. Torment (Fallen #2) - Lauren Kate - I was shocked by the ending of this, and not shocked in a good way. I was all like….. what just happened right now? Admittedly it made me want to read Passion, BUT for the wrong reasons. I just really didn’t think too much of Torment, and more than anything want to be proven wrong.
7. Where She Went - Gayle Forman - Okay I am including this in here because yes.. even though I don’t really think the ending was too shocking, I was in awe for a bit… I needed to just sit there and let the whole story digest because it was THAT.GOOD!
8. The Knife Of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness - Was it just me? I didn’t see this coming. And I was so geared up for this ending that I fully expected… only to be shocked with what happened. In a good way. Makes me want to move on to The Ask & The Answer!
That’s it… only 8 on my list! haha

9 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Dana Burgess

    Jodi Picoult does have a way with the twisted ending! Great list.

  2. Sarah Pearson

    Totally agree about Jodi Picoult - it’s pretty much expected now!

  3. Mesa

    I should check out The Knife of Never Letting Go. I have heard amazing things about it. I totally agree with Jodi Picoult. The Hunger Games was amazing!

  4. Kathleen Ann Coleman

    I absolutely love The Hunger Games trilogy. I was lucky and read them all in a row. As for the Twilight series, I still haven’t read it.

  5. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I’m trying to remember the first time I read a book with a surprising ending. Maybe it was Gone With the Wind. I knew I wasn’t reading a happy little child’s book when I finished GWTW.

    Here’s my post: Top Ten Book Endings That Left Me With My Mouth Hanging Open. I hope you will also stop by and sign up for the Readerbuzz October Giveaway for Matched!

  6. AlisonCanRead

    I was so tense through the first half of Breaking Dawn. I had to know whether she’d become a vampire. I eventually skipped halfway through to find out.

  7. Alison @ The Cheap Reader

    I agree with Handle With Care. I was angry at the end too! I couldn’t believe she did that.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  8. Brittani

    I completely agree with Torment though Passion trumped it on my list.

    My Top Ten:


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