
TGIF is a weekly meme to re-cap the week’s posts & to propose a question for our followers. It is run by Ginger at GReads

Giving Thanks: Which books are you most thankful for receiving from other bloggers, friends, family members, or publishers?

The Hunger Games Gift Edition - Suzanne Collins - From publisher
This is my absolute pride and joy at the moment. It’s my favourite book in a supurb hardback edition with a slip case. It’s on the top shelf!
All These Things I’ve Done - Gabrielle Zevin - From publisher

I truly loved this dystopian, I was so happy that I was given this book for review, because it was a perfect fit for me - I hate dystopians that reek of the same formula, but this one was different enough and I really loved it.

Saving June - Hannah Harrington - From publisher

This is one of those books that still make you smile when you think back to it. Absolutely charming, but has the coolness that only an epic road trip brings with it. This launched my love for the “road trip” book!

The Goddess Test - Aimee Carter - From publisher

I really want to read this book (and I will) but just haven’t gotten around to it. My mum (surprisingly!) read this though and she raves about it… so I will DEFINITELY read this, but I need to slot it in.

Cold Kiss - Amy Garvey - R.A.K gift

I was SO excited to get a copy of this book! It’s on my TBR list but now that I actually received a copy I am bumping it up to read SOON. It looks amazing. :)


Q: Letter to Santa: Tell Santa what books you want for Christmas!

Dear Santa,

I promise I have been super duper ultra good this year, and even though I am waaaayyyyyy too old to believe in you, I will - if it means I get some awesome pressies from you this year!

I would love it if you could just buy everything for me off my Goodreads list and maybe some shelving systems also… but since I am not greedy, here is what I would love:

  • Pretty much all of the books in the Pretty Little Liars series. Or minimum #2.
  • Legend by Marie Lu
  • Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts
  • You Are My Only by Beth Kephart
  • Faking Faith by Josie Bloss
  • The Future of Us by Jay Asher

Okay thanks Santa, byeeeeee!


What do you think?

  • Lah says:

    Been dying to read All These Things I’ve Done!!! You’ve got some awesome gifts here :) And I love your header!

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  • Peggy says:

    I pre-ordered Legend and can’t wait to get it! The Future of Us is also on my wishlist! Hope Santa is nice this year and you get them all! :) Have a great weekend!

    My Friday Features

  • Annette says:

    I’ve not participated in RAK, but what a great bunch of people. Book people in general are great, aren’t they? Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Reading!

  • You’ve got some awesome books from the community!!! And since you’ve been super duper ultra good, I’m sure Santa has you on the top of his list :-)

  • I LOVE The Hunger Games. It’s one of my favorite series! And I liked The Goddess Test, but it wasn’t my favorite. I can’t wait to read All These Things I’ve Done - it’s on my TBR. Great list! :)

  • I haven’t gotten around to reading The Hunger Games yet, I hope to soon! I had no idea that All These Things I’ve Done was a dystopian - for some reason I was thinking it was YA contemporary! Good to know, I was curious before but I’ll really have to look more into it!

    Happy Friday!
    April @ My Shelf Confessions

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