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Posted by on January 6, 2012
TGIF is a weekly meme to re-cap the week’s posts & to propose a question for our followers. It is run by Ginger at GReads
Reading Resolutions: What are some of your reading goals for the new year?
  • Last year I read 89 books (I had only originally set a target of 50 which I blitzed and then re-assessed the challenge to 90 which I was only a few days off). This year I think I could probably do better and I have challenged myself to 120 books!
  • I am going to try and read some of the books I have had on my TBR list for some time this year. I’d love to clear out some of those books that are collecting dust. Maybe once a month I’ll review a 2010/2011 book!
  • I am more organised this year. I even bought a little 2012 diary specifically for my book blogging, with release dates and when I need to post reviews etc, so I am endeavouring to stick to my new system.
  • Communicate more with other bloggers, I’d love to make new connections and friends in the blogosphere, including commenting more and replying to comments I receive more.
  • Review more new releases and continue to be relevant! :)


Q: Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?

113….. wow. That’s a lot of books to try and get through!!!


11 Responses to Friday!

  1. Natalie

    The diary is such a cool idea. i currently keep a book log in a notepad, just so i can double check that i didn’t make any stuff ups on good reads, but a 2012 diary is definitely a great idea for the blogging side of things!

    • Melissa

      It’s a super cute diary too, I couldn’t resist myself! I keep a number of things in my diary, and that is the date I started books, the date I completed reading books, new releases, dates I need to post reviews on as well as other miscellaneous things! It’s proven to be super handy!

  2. Amanda

    I have about 50 waiting to be read in various piles around the house :) Good luck!

    New Follower here & on twitter!


    • Melissa

      hehehe I know what you mean about “various piles”. Oh I wish I could just have my own house filled with books!

  3. Amanda

    Well, I take that back…I’m trying to follow here, but I can’t find a follow button or RSS feed thing

    • Melissa

      GFC Follow is closing in March, so I’ve taken it down, but I do have an RSS feed icon, and the RSS feed URL is which you can input to your reader or stream. :)

      And there’s always twitter and facebook where all my new posts are fed to. :)

      Let me know if you have any worries and thanks for visiting!

  4. Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books

    We have about the same number of unread books (if I don’t count the ones on my Kindle, haha). I’m slowly but surely working my way through them. It’s going kind of slow now because of the other books I need to review *sighs*

    You can check out my TGIF post here!

    • Melissa

      Oh yes same with the Kindle books! I have like another 60 something on my Kindle to read, but they aren’t on my shelf so to speak, so I didn’t inlcude them. How funny we have the same number!?

      Thanks for visiting!

  5. emmegail

    You’ll get through those in no time with your reading 120 books goal! I wish I could get to that many in a year! :)

    New follower!

    • Melissa

      It’ll be a challenge, but that’s the whole point of a challenge right? It’s gotta be hard to do!! I reckon I could do 90 again but easier this year, but then I want to try and have a bigger year in general. :)

  6. AlisonCanRead

    Hopping through. Good luck on your blogging organization. I need to be better about that. I’m decent but I could do a lot more with scheduling.
    My Hop

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