TGIF is a weekly meme to re-cap the week’s posts & to propose a question for our followers. It is run by Ginger at GReads
Reading Resolutions: What are some of your reading goals for the new year?
- Last year I read 89 books (I had only originally set a target of 50 which I blitzed and then re-assessed the challenge to 90 which I was only a few days off). This year I think I could probably do better and I have challenged myself to 120 books!
- I am going to try and read some of the books I have had on my TBR list for some time this year. I’d love to clear out some of those books that are collecting dust. Maybe once a month I’ll review a 2010/2011 book!
- I am more organised this year. I even bought a little 2012 diary specifically for my book blogging, with release dates and when I need to post reviews etc, so I am endeavouring to stick to my new system.
- Communicate more with other bloggers, I’d love to make new connections and friends in the blogosphere, including commenting more and replying to comments I receive more.
- Review more new releases and continue to be relevant!
113….. wow. That’s a lot of books to try and get through!!!
The diary is such a cool idea. i currently keep a book log in a notepad, just so i can double check that i didn’t make any stuff ups on good reads, but a 2012 diary is definitely a great idea for the blogging side of things!
It’s a super cute diary too, I couldn’t resist myself! I keep a number of things in my diary, and that is the date I started books, the date I completed reading books, new releases, dates I need to post reviews on as well as other miscellaneous things! It’s proven to be super handy!
I have about 50 waiting to be read in various piles around the house Good luck!
New Follower here & on twitter!
hehehe I know what you mean about “various piles”. Oh I wish I could just have my own house filled with books!
Well, I take that back…I’m trying to follow here, but I can’t find a follow button or RSS feed thing
GFC Follow is closing in March, so I’ve taken it down, but I do have an RSS feed icon, and the RSS feed URL is which you can input to your reader or stream.
And there’s always twitter and facebook where all my new posts are fed to.
Let me know if you have any worries and thanks for visiting!
We have about the same number of unread books (if I don’t count the ones on my Kindle, haha). I’m slowly but surely working my way through them. It’s going kind of slow now because of the other books I need to review *sighs*
You can check out my TGIF post here!
Oh yes same with the Kindle books! I have like another 60 something on my Kindle to read, but they aren’t on my shelf so to speak, so I didn’t inlcude them. How funny we have the same number!?
Thanks for visiting!
You’ll get through those in no time with your reading 120 books goal! I wish I could get to that many in a year!
New follower!
It’ll be a challenge, but that’s the whole point of a challenge right? It’s gotta be hard to do!! I reckon I could do 90 again but easier this year, but then I want to try and have a bigger year in general.
Hopping through. Good luck on your blogging organization. I need to be better about that. I’m decent but I could do a lot more with scheduling.
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