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Top Ten Tuesday

Posted by on January 3, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by Tahleen at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because due to a love of lists and what better way to celebrate lists than with book related ones?

This weeks topic is:

Top Ten Books I’m Excited To Read in 2012

Oh I love this subject! The only problem for me is narrowing my selection DOWN to 10 books, because seriously, 2012 is THE year for amazing YA books, especially YA debits!

10. The Catastrophic History Of You And Me by Jess Rothenberg
Release date - February 21st 2012

I am SO looking forward to January and February this year, because there are so many amazing releases coming out, including this YA 2012 debut book! It looks like a really cute, fun read. Something not too heavy, but one of those entertaining books that we all need every now and then to break up the heavy stuff! I can’t wait for this!

9. Born Wicked (The Cahill Witch Chronicles #1) by Jessica Spotswood
Release date - February 7th 2012

Another debut 2012 novel, and this one has received some amazing reviews already! I LOVE YA stories about witches, and this one looks really great, and better yet this is the first book in a series!! The cover is absolutely gorgeous, it really makes me want to know more about the book. This one is going to be on my TBR list in February!!

8. Social Suicide (Deadly Cool #2) by Gemma Halliday
Release date - April 24th 2012

Personally, I am SO excited for this release!! I recently read Deadly Cool and it was an amazing little gem of a book, a real fun read. It’s not often you get a true YA mystery book, and this book featured a great mystery but kept some of the fun and cheekyness about YA that I love as well. I absolutely love Hartley’s charatcter so I am really looking forward to seeing what new adventures we have - especially regarding Chase! And once again with the awesome cover. I love it.

7. Incarnate (New Soul #1) by Jodi Meadows
Release date - January 31st 2012

This book looks amazing! The cover is nothing short of breathtaking, but the story itself sounds SO good. I might be jumping the gun here but I am thinking this is going to be one of the biggest releases for 2012. A debut book, this story is about reincarnation (at the foundation of the story), but it almost sounds like a fantasy or dystopian (not sure?) about new souls and no souls.. completely unlike anything else I’ve read! I am looking forward to it!

6. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicals #1) by Marissa Meyer
Release date - January 3rd 2012

Cinder was released TODAY!! This is a major debut release, already there has been some massive hype about this, especially from those who were lucky enough to receive an ARC copy of the book! It sounds really different, it mixes hmans and androids together. Normally not the type of thing that would grab my attention, but this looks absolutely intriguing. The cover is amazing right?!

5. Girl Of Nightmares (Anna Dressed In Blood #2) by Kendare Blake
Release date - August 7th 2012

Anna Dressed In Blood was just such a great debut book from Kendare Blake. It was completely original and had some really graphic scary moments in it, but was also in a way quite touching and sweet. REALLY not an easy task when you think about it!! I am hoping that Girl Of Nightmares is just as good as Anna, I am really curious to see what direction this one takes. If you haven’t read Anna, you have until August to read it! haha

4. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Release date - January 2nd 2012

This just came out yesterday! This book is a good old fashioned YA romance and it has received such amazing reviews, it’s definitely one of my priorities to check this book out this month. I absolutely adore the cover of this book too, it’s really sweet! I’m really not a fan of insta-love, and since this book is set over a period of 24 hours I am skeptical, however part of me really wants to love this book too, so I am going to give it a good try!

3. Pandemonium (Delirium #2) by Lauren Oliver
Release date - February 28th 2012

Pandemonium is one of the most anticipated new releases for 2012, and if it is as good as Delirium was I don’t know how I will contain myself! Delirium had me hooked after the first paragraph. Such a unique idea for a dystopian novel, and I am keen to know what happens to Lena and Alex! I have major cover love too!

February is shaping up to me a major month since it’s also the month Fever is released by Lauren De Stefano which brings me to number two….

2. Fever (The Chemical Garden #2) by Lauren De Stefano
Release date - February 21st 2012

Wither was one of those books that just stuck with you… I thought about it so long after I read it, and longed to know more about what happens! As it turns out I don’t have so long to wait anymore, since Fever is just around the corner! I have so many questions I need answers to - this is definitely a book you should pre-order!!

1. Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth
Release date - May 1st 2012

I cannot explain how excited I am for this book. There has already been hype surrounding this ever the cover release - it has huge expectations to fulfil! Divergent (the first book in this trilogy), was one of my top 3 reads for 2011, and so ever since I closed that book I have been wondering what is going to happen!


What are you all looking forward to reading in 2012?! There are SO many more releases I could have mentioned, but these are the top 10!!

4 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Laura @ The Traveling Owl

    I started reading Statistical Probability yesterday and it is so cute so far.

    I am definitely looking forward to Insurgent as well. I loved Divergent last year! Great list!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    Laura @ The Traveling Owl

  2. Jac @ For Love And Books

    Great List!!

    I keep finding books I forgot to put on my list *lol* Like Statistical Probability (I thinkI’m going to break down and buy it today) and I really want to read Wither/Fever I got Wither for Christmas, but I haven’t picked it up yet — the problems of book bloggers! Too many books to read, not enough time!

    Stop by and check out my Top Ten and Teaser Tuesday!

  3. Confessions of a Common Reader / Kat

    I just read your description of Cinder and downloaded it! I’m very excited to read it, sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the suggestion!

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