Friday hops!

TGIF is a weekly meme to re-cap the week’s posts & to propose a question for our followers. It is run by Ginger at GReads
Book Blogger Pride: What do you take pride in when it comes to blogging?

I am proud of how far my website has come since I started my blog last April - I feel as though the evolution of the page itself has improved for the better. I realise how young the website is though and how far I am YET to come, so it is always a work in progress.

I especially love the friendships I have made from this site via twitter. Especially all the Aussie bloggers who I feel I have had some really great banter and conversations with. I hope to develop those friendships more.

I am really so lucky that in such a little time, I’ve had attention from publishers and have been in a situation where I’ve been able to get advanced readers copies and free books. That doesn’t happen to everyone and it’s not something I take lightly. I am very appreciative of the support I’ve received from the publishers and the relationships I have developed there also.

A big thank you to all my regulars! I have a long way to go, but I hope you will all continue to visit me as the site grows and evolves. :)


Q: BeefcakeandBabes Asks: I like unique names for characters and am looking forward to coming up with some when I start writing. What’s the most unique character name you’ve come across?

Cas Lowood from Anna Dressed In Black and also Four & Tris from Divergent. Article 5’s lead female was Ember Miller… I thought Ember was an unusual name for a character also!
And for good measure I missed last weeks hop:

Q: What would your prefer: reading your favorite book over and over again until you got sick of it OR reading 100s of mediocre books? And why?

Definitely the same book over and over again. Typically I don’t read ANY book twice because I don’t have time too, but if these were my only options it would be my favourite book. Mediocre books are reading demotivators I think. I am always on the hunt for amazing books, and I feel like I have struck reading gold when I find one, and disappointed when I don’t. 100 mediocre books in a row? Oh no… lol


What do you think?

  • Maja says:

    True, Cassius Theseus Lowood was a very good name. :)

    Here’s our #FF post

    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

  • I think it definitely shows that you put time and effort into your space here and you take pride in it, so thank you because I love visiting :-)

  • Darlene says:

    Great responses! I think you have much to be proud of! Your blog is lovely and I am so glad I found it.
    I also like the names Ember and Cas!

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