A Million Suns (Across The Universe #2) - Beth Revis

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Synopsis: Godspeed was once fueled by lies. Now it is ruled by chaos. It’s been three months. In that time, Amy has learned to hide who she is. Elder is trying to be the leader he’s always wanted to be. But as the ship gets more and more out of control, only one thing is certain: They have to get off the ship.

Review: Usually I find the middle book in a trilogy more often than not to be the “filler” book. The book that bridges the exciting first and third books together but isn’t always entirely satisfying. That is exactly what A Million Suns was NOT. This book was possibly even better than the first book, it was action packed from the very start right through to the last page.

A Million Suns really just picks up where Across The Universe leaves us. I cannot say enough about how I love the world that Beth Revis has created. She is so visual with her descriptions that there really was no need for the map of the ship that we’ve seen before. Really this was more as a courtesy to the reader, but not needed!

A Million Suns has an element of mystery to it. Where Across The Universe really was setting the scene of how Godspeed was before Amy came along, A Million Suns changes direction in a massive way, as Amy is left some clues from Orion about the ship, and about a huge decision that she is told she needs to make.

Elder’s rulership has come into doubt as the ship is reaching a mutany now that the residents of Godspeed have been taken off Phydus and can think for themselves. There are more murders and suicides, acts of violence and rebellion. The people are not working any more and there is a major food crisis. And Godspeed itself has bigger issues. The engines aren’t running, and Elder is faced with some huge decisions to keep everyone under control.

I really enjoyed the fact that whilst we have a romance in Elder and Amy, it’s not overt. They don’t get too destracted with each other, and they realise that there are bigger issues at hand than their blossoming relationship. That being said there are some completely endearing and sweet moments that they share together through this book, and it’s obvious that they are really starting to fall hard for each other.

That being said, there’s not really much else I can say without spoiling the book for people. But overall, definitely an action packed, faced paced story. I loved the developments in both the storyline as well as the relationships (with ALL of the characters, not just Amy and Elder). I am really, truly, looking forward to Shades of Earth which will be the next book in the series expected to be released in 2013.

Rating: 5 out of 5

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One Response to “A Million Suns (Across The Universe #2) - Beth Revis”

  1. Dana Burgess says:

    It’s so nice to find a middle book that is as good - or even better - than the first. Kudos to the author.

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