In My Mailbox #44

Good evening readers! How has your Sunday been? I have had a very lazy day in bed mucking around with my brand new iPad 2! :D Gotta love those kinds of days, I don’t get them much!

As always In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren. Pretty good week this week for me! I may have gone a little crazy at Dymocks & Amazon again!


I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1) - Ally Carter

With the release of the 5th Gallagher Girls book recently, I thought it was high time I got my hands on the original books in the series!! I am hoping I might have some time to get into this series shortly, but realistically with ARC’s and new releases I am not sure if I will. But the series sounds really good either way, and it’ll be sitting on my TBR shelf until I get some time!


Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy (Gallagher Girls #2) - Ally Carter

I didn’t need to buy the second one, but since they were on sale I couldn’t help myself! I am lucky I managed to stop myself there and not go grabbing the third and fourth books in the series as well!! haha I love the covers for these books, although mine are the Aussie versions which I don’t like as much as these ones featured here.



Illuminate (Guilded Wings #1) - Aimee Agresti

How AMAZINGLY beautiful is this cover?! This is featured on the debut author challenge for 2012, so I am super keen to read this. It’s received some really great reviews and has been one of the most highly anticipated debuts on my list! I am planning on reading this one rather soon, so keep an eye out for a review of this one!




Dead To You - Lisa McMann

Oh I’ve been waiting for this one, it sounds amazing! Ethan was abducted from his front yard when he was just seven years old. Now, at sixteen, he has returned to his family. It’s a miracle… at first. Then the tensions start to build. His reintroduction to his old life isn’t going smoothly, and his family is tearing apart all over again. If only Ethan could remember something, anything, about his life before, he’d be able to put the pieces back together. But there’s something that’s keeping his memory blocked. Something unspeakable..


So that is all from me this week, what’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • Rose says:

    Oh, The Gallagher Girls series is definitely a series I should get to read some day.. soon. I hope you’ll like them. Dead to You & Illuminate sound so good, as well! Enjoy (:

  • Illuminate looks really good, I hope you enjoy it :-) I’ve heard of the Gallagher Girls series, I’m not sure if I will like it though, but I hope you love it!

    Happy reading,
    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    My IMM!

  • Melissa says:

    I haven’t read any of Ally Carter’s books yet, but they seem to be really popular! I’ll be watching for your review =) And my Sunday is just beginning in Canada — you startled me a little with “Good evening” in your post until I remembered which part of the world you’re in =) I just finished my morning coffee and a few pages of Fever by DeStefano.

  • Kristin says:

    Great Mailbox this week. Illuminate looks like a great book. I hope you like your new books.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

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