Over the next few weeks…

Hello readers!

So if you visit my site regularly, you’ll have heard me harp on about my upcoming trip to America! That time is now.. just about! I am leaving for Sydney on May 8th and departing from Sydney to LA on May 9th, so I’ve been doing some housekeeping.

I have tried my very best to pre-write and queue some reviews for you over the next three weeks to keep you entertained! I am also participating in the Top Ten Tuesdays for the next few weeks and have written some blogs to be posted each Tuesday, as well as some other goodies. I am hoping essentially, that it’ll be almost like business as usual for Book Nerd Reviews whilst I am away! Nothing worse than a blog with no updates I think.

So keep your eyes peeled for the following reviews:

May 12: The Immortal Rules - Julie Kagawa
May 16: The Name Of The Star - Maureen Johnson
May 20: The Selection - Keira Cass
May 26: The Amityville Horror - Jay Anson
May 31: The Harbinger - Sara Wilson Etienne

And hopefully if I finish in time for Wednesday I will also sneek in:

Bad Taste In Boys - Carrie Harris
Purity - Jackson Pearce

So plenty of reviews to come (which is why there’s been a distinct lack of them in the last week or so - I apologise!).

I am hoping (time permitting) that I may even be able to blog once or twice during my trip about what I am up to, and where I’ve been & what I have seen!

I’ll be back in Australia on June 1st - taking jetlag into consideration I am hoping Book Nerd will be completely back to normal by June 3rd or 4th - just in time to announce the huge May giveaway winners!

Take care everyone, and I’ll talk to you all really soon! I will try and tweet where possible, so add me at @booknerdreviews if you haven’t already!


What do you think?

  • Dana Burgess says:

    Have so much fun!! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  • Kim V says:

    I hope you have a super visit to the US! Please share your thoughts on your trip when you have a chance!

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