June birthday giveaway winners announced!

Good afternoon everyone!!

I’m here to announce the winners of my June giveaway! I am giving three readers one book of their own chosing (it doesn’t have to be YA either if you’re after something else), up to the value of $20.00 US!

Firstly thank you to everyone who entered! There can only be three winners, and those winners are…

Rebecca De Aguiar

Badass Bookie

Lynn Kho

Congratulations to the three of you! I will contact you shortly to find out what book you would like!

Keep your eyes peeled for my next giveaway coming shortly!

What do you think?

  • Claire Frith says:

    Congratulations to the three winners! :)

  • Lynn K says:

    Thanks for the fantastic opportunity to get a back I’ve wanted for ages. :)
    Congratulations to the other winners as well!

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