Welcome Erica to Book Nerd Reviews!

Running a book blog is hard work, and as such to help share the load I have enlisted in some help! I’d like you to all welcome Erica to Book Nerd Reviews. Erica is one of my colleagues from work, and we’ve spent many mornings discussing books and sharing what we’re reading. I think she will be able to add an extra opinion into the mix and also feature some books that I haven’t been able to get around to reading also.

In short, more diverse reviews for our readers is a good thing! It also means we will be able to post reviews on advanced readers copies closer to the review date and let you know what our recommendations are.

Welcome Erica to Book Nerd Reviews!

What do you think?

  • Erica says:

    Hi all, and a HUGE thank you to Mel for inviting me to join in the fun! I love to read, but I’ve never been a part of something like this before. I’ll start posting some reviews shortly on things I’ve read in the last few years, so stay tuned!


  • Braine says:


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