Monday Mailbox #16

Good evening readers! Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia from A girl and her books and The Printed Page.


Confessions of a Murder Suspect (Teen Detective Series #1) - James Patterson

This looks SO good! Slightly biased perhaps as I’ve loved many of James Patterson’s adult crime fiction books… he’s such a good writter and his books always have a hook. This is his YA crime series… well the first one, and to say I am excited is an understatement! Looks amazing, I just hope it lives up to the hype!



House At The End Of The Street - Lily Blake

This looks like another potential last minute Halloween read, although if I am realistic this will have to wait until next month. LOOKS SO GOOD!

Seeking a fresh start, newly divorced Sarah and her daughter Elissa find the house of their dreams in a small, upscale, rural town. But when startling and unexplainable events begin to happen, Sarah and Elissa learn the town is in the shadows of a chilling secret. Years earlier, in the house next door, a daughter killed her parents in their beds, and disappeared - leaving only a brother, Ryan, as the sole survivor. Against Sarah’s wishes, Elissa begins a relationship with the reclusive Ryan - and the closer they get, the deeper they’re all pulled into a mystery more dangerous than they ever imagined.


So that is all from me this week, what did you receive this week? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • Jenelle R. says:

    Yep, looks like you’re on full on Halloween mode! Can’t wait to read Confessions of a Murder Suspect! :)

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