December in review

Good morning! Did you all have a wonderful holiday period? I did - too much food though! haha I hope you’ve all had an awesome month of reading! Here is my reviews for December in case you missed it! I read 7 books this month! I am preparing myself for January, I am hoping to have an even bigger and better month of reading! *fingers crossed*

The Diviners (The Diviners #1) - Libba Bray

Venom (Secrets of the Eternal Rose #1) - Fiona Paul

House At The End Of The Street - Lily Blake

Burn For Burn - Jenny Han

The Hallowed Ones (The Hallowed Ones #1) - Laura Bickle

Skinny - Donna Cooner

Revived - Cat Patrick

Loved this months books! My fave of this month is equal between The Diviners and The Hallowed Ones. Both MUST reads!!

What did you read this month and what was your favourite book?

What do you think?

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