Review: House At The End Of The Street - Lily Blake

Release Date: August 21st, 2012
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Rating: 3 out of 5

Synopsis: Seeking a fresh start, newly divorced Sarah and her daughter Elissa find the house of their dreams in a small, upscale, rural town. But when startling and unexplainable events begin to happen, Sarah and Elissa learn the town is in the shadows of a chilling secret. Years earlier, in the house next door, a daughter killed her parents in their beds, and disappeared - leaving only a brother, Ryan, as the sole survivor. Against Sarah’s wishes, Elissa begins a relationship with the reclusive Ryan - and the closer they get, the deeper they’re all pulled into a mystery more dangerous than they ever imagined.


Review: Short book, you could easily read this in one sitting! I could be wrong, but the impression I got was that this novella was written based on the movie, not the other way around. So based on this, I felt like the book was pretty good.

As a novella (just over 200 pages), the author didn’t delve deep into the psyche of each of the characters. You know a bit about the background of each character and then the action happens. Given that this is a horror themed book, I actually didn’t mind this though. Just like a horror movie, you’re not there to care too much about the characters lives in detail, but rather to get scared, and this book definitely delivered that!

I could see the twist in this story coming BUT I loved it when it happened all the same. This was a quick, fun, indulgent read, and I am rather keen to see the movie of this when it comes out here, it looks like it could be pretty cool!


Movie Trailer:

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