I Found It On Etsy

Welcome to Etsy Saturdays! What is Etsy? Think of Etsy.com as ebay for the homemade. Homemade is “in” again and everyone is doing it, including lovers of YA! And so each Saturday I am sharing with you some cool stuff I found on Etsy and hook you up if you want to buy up! I can’t promise that this post will be good for your hip pocket!

I think I’ve fallen onto the random side of Etsy and I can’t get out! I was clicking from one thing to another to another, and stumbled across these towels. But they are towels for book lovers. Random right? BUT kiiiiiinda cool.

Book lover towel by OffTheHookbyLora

I happen to find these pretty cute, but I wouldn’t have thought I needed these. I do want them however:


Book lover towel kitchen bathroom by OffTheHookbyLora

Really cute original idea! Worth checking out!

Stay tuned for next week! If you see anything on Etsy you think would be a good feature, let me know on Twitter @booknerdreviews!


  1. These are super cute… and I think I might actually need them >.> I’ve always wanted to have a book themed bathroom >.>

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