January International Giveaway

Good evening readers!

Welcome to the first giveaway for 2013. I’ve changed things up a little bit this year. Whilst the giveaway itself will generally be very similar to what I’ve done in the past, I’m loosening the rules up quite a bit.

You may have noticed that recently, I removed my Linky followers from the sidebar. I had a good think about it, and I felt like it was a little counter productive and strayed a little from my mission with this site. So essentially, from now on, whilst I’ll give extra entries for tweeting and liking facebook etc, I am not going to have mandatory entries or make you blog about the giveaway for extra entries. My intention in doing this, is to make my giveaways as easy as possible, but also there’ll be a few ways to get entries for spreading the word to others who might like to enter.

That’s the housekeeping done! Now for the giveaway itself in January. This month, I there will be two winners, and both winners can choose a book of their liking from any of the books below:

Prodigy (Legend #2) - Marie Lu
Shades Of Earth (Across The Universe #3) - Beth Revis
Asunder (Newsoul #2) - Jodi Meadows
The Archived (The Archived #1) - Victoria Schwab
Paper Valentine - Brenna Yovanoff
The Madman’s Daughter (The Madman’s Daughter #1) - Megan Shepherd
Level 2 (The Memory Chronicles #1) - Lenore Appelhans
Just One Day (Just One Day #1) - Gayle Forman
Everbound (Everneath #2) - Brodi Ashton
Teeth - Hannah Moskowitz
Shadowlands - Kate Brian
Revolution 19 - Gregg Rosenblum

This giveaway is international for anyone aged 13+. To enter, just click for your free entry below. If you would like more chances to win, you have that opportunity also.

Good luck! x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What do you think?

  • Katie Turner says:

    Thanks for the giveaway Melissa. That’s a great bunch of books. :)

  • Lynn K. says:

    Happy New Year Melissa! :)

  • Leah says:

    This is a really brilliant giveaway :) thank you. Love the new layout too - owls are adorable!

    • Melissa says:

      Naaaaawwwww thanks!! I try and only ever give away books that I personally would love to win!

      And I agree, I love owls! Cialina from Paper Wings Design Studio did an amazing job… it was exactly what I asked for. :)

  • Lina says:

    happy new year and thanks for the giveaway :)

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