New Year - New Look

Hi readers!

I’m happy to show off the new website layout to you today. :) This has been something I’ve been wanting to do for a little while now, and so with the help of Cialina from Paper Wing Designs (and also Muggle-Born), the new look is here!

If you experience any issues, let me know - otherwise, happy browsing!

Monday Mailbox will be posted this evening (once I have finished work).


What do you think?

  • Lynn K. says:

    I thought I stumbled onto the wrong blog! xD It looks great, no issues when browsing.

    • Melissa says:

      haha Yeah it’s drastically different to the last look! I never felt 100% satisfied with my last layouts, but this one has made me so happy! Good to hear no issues as well, thanks Lynn! x

  • Tara T. says:

    Love it! How cute! Love the owl!

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