Bookish Bits
Welcome to Bookish Bits! What is it exactly? It was hard for me to summarise, it’s more something you need to see to understand. But I liken it to the bits and pieces that make up the book. The mood board of the book itself if you will. Sometimes I go into books having no idea what they’re about. I plan on doing these images every now and then with books I am reading - they give a snapshot as to what you can expect in this book at a glance. It gives you a feeling about what to expect.
This week, for my first Bookish Bits installment, I am presenting to you - In The Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters, my current read. It is dark and creepy - set in the 1920’s where an influenza outbreak is killing people left right and centre. On top of that, there’s a war going on, and there’s mass hysteria with people wanting spirtiual photography done trying to reach out to loved ones that have passed away. If you’ve read this book, then the below mind map should remind you of the book! Otherwise, this is what you can expect! My review will be posted tomorrow!
What do you think?