April in Review

Good evening everyone, I hope you’ve had a good Monday (for a Monday… lol). April is almost behind us now and I didn’t have AS big a month as I had originally planned reading wise. Safe to say at the end part of this month I have experienced my first reading slump! Noo! I was determined to not let it slow me down too much though, and so I am pressing on and just trying to get through it! I did however get the opportunity to read some very cool books this month, and so in case you missed it, here’s a recap of the book reviews I posted in April:

If You Find Me - Emily Murdoch
The Walking Dead Vol 1: Days Gone Bye – Robert Kirkman
Paper Valentine - Brenna Yovanoff
Looking For Alaska - John Green
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) - Marissa Meyer
Sever (The Chemical Gardens #3) - Lauren De Stefano
Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1) - Kasie West

7 books read in April… I am happy to say that I am still very much on track to reach my goal of having read 100 books this year! My favourite read this month was hard for me, because I enjoyed a few of them quite a lot but for different reasons. I loved If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch. I also really adored Looking For Alaska by John Green. And up there was Scarlet by Marissa Meyer and Pivot Point by Kasie West. Bring on May! I am hoping to pick up some of the April slack in this month. Wish me luck!

What do you think?

  • You read more books than I did in April!

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