October in Review
Hi everyone! Wow. It is nearly the end of the year! November already? That is insane!!!
October has been a busy month for us here at Book Nerd Reviews. Melissa, myself and Jocie are all crazy busy at the moment, and that includes me working away from home, so my whole routine has been thrown into chaos, as I normally read and write reviews and posts on the weekend… but for the past few weeks the weekend has been used to just be at home and do the things I missed during the week. So I apologise for the lack of the posts, and sadly this routine will continue for the immediate future, so there won’t be as much going on here for a few weeks.
I was very excited to bring you a part of the Laini Taylor interview here at Book Nerd Reviews. I have posted the rest of my interview with Laini at Australian YA Bloggers and Diva Booknerd. Be sure to check out the links via my interview post. But, more importantly, there is also an international giveaway for two SIGNED copies Daughter of Smoke and Bone running at the moment! This is international, so be sure to enter to win one of these amazing books!
I hope everyone had an excellent October! A lot of great books were released, and the interwebs went crazy over an authors article on how she responded to a negative review. I know that this put a lot of negativity out there in the blogging community, but please remember, that most authors are awesome people! For authors, thank you for your support and kind words! For bloggers, keep true to yourself, and to your followers! And for followers, thank you for being the reason we do what we do!
During November will be running the Daughter of Smoke and Bone giveaway, but I also have another amazing Aussie giveaway coming your way. But for now, here is Book Nerd Reviews’ October recap: