Bye bye Google Reader. :(

6 COMMENTS • This post is filed under: Uncategorized

It’s the end of an era. Google Reader is going to be no more. Which sucks… because this is how I have always preferred to read my favourite blogs all in one place. It was convenient - you add in the URL’s of all the blogs you love, and it presents them on one feed in order for you to scroll through and enjoy. How good is that?

So now I’ve been on the hunt for something to replace Google Reader and I think I’ve found it. It’s called Blog Lovin’. How does it work? You sign up, either through email or through your Facebook account, and if you’ve used Google Reader previously like I have, it imports all of your blogs over for you (I was most impressed with this aspect of it - not having to manually import my blogs!). And the presentation of the blogs is pretty good too really!

So those of you who are using Google Reader to follow Book Nerd Reviews, I’m going to suggest you find a new way of following. Whether it’s subscribing to the blog via email (to the right), RSS or if you’re going to jump aboard the Blog Lovin express, you can follow me there!

Here’s how: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

If you have other suggestions for me to make it easier for you to follow me, you can always let me know via inbox ( or Twitter (@booknerdreviews).


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6 Responses to “Bye bye Google Reader. :(”

  1. Tara says:

    You can use feedly! (
    It imports feeds from GR for the time being but they’ll have something in place by July.

    Ok I feel awkward about commenting for the first time on a post that’s not even a review.
    I do LOVE your reviews :)

  2. I agree with Tara, I LOVE Feedly. It’s pretty similar to Google Reader. I use Bloglovin too. I’m following you now. :)

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