Stacking the Shelves #38

Good afternoon! Yes, you’re seeing Stacking The Shelves on a Saturday now. As it used to be In My Mailbox Monday and then Monday Mailbox and now Stacking The Shelves, there’s no reason to have this on a Monday anymore. And Saturday is when Tynga posts her shelves, so to be more in line with this, I am also. :)

I have a few books this week from the library and netgalley to show off! I spent $0 on books this week.. go me!

Stacking the Shelves is bought to you by Tynga from Tynga’s Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


The Truth About You & Me - Amanda Grace

Woo thanks to Netgalley I got a copy of this, which I think looks awesome! I did a cover reveal on this one a little while ago and it looks like it could be quite controversial.

Smart girls aren’t supposed to do stupid things.

Madelyn Hawkins is super smart. At sixteen, she’s so gifted that she can attend college through a special program at her high school. On her first day, she meets Bennet. He’s cute, funny, and kind. He understands Madelyn and what she’s endured—and missed out on—in order to excel academically and please her parents. Now, for the first time in her life, she’s falling in love.

There’s only one problem. Bennet is Madelyn’s college professor, and he thinks she’s eighteen—because she hasn’t told him the truth.

The story of their forbidden romance is told in letters that Madelyn writes to Bennet—both a heart-searing ode to their ill-fated love and an apology.


Screwed - Laurie Plissner

This one has received some pretty harsh reviews on Goodreads in some cases, but I am curious to see what I think of it myself. I got this one from Netgalley also!

Grace was the girl who always did everything right, until the night she fell for a boy’s sleazy line and became pregnant. Nick couldn’t care less about pretty math-geek Grace or the baby he fathered. He’s had a dozen girls like her, and he’ll have a dozen more. When Grace confesses to her super-religious, strait-laced parents, they deliver a shocker: They’ve scheduled an abortion. All they want is to pretend this never happened.

When Grace balks, they literally throw her out in the street. A rich, elderly neighbor takes her in, and, with the help of the friendship she needs in Charlie, the old woman’s great-nephew, she must make the toughest choice of her young life. The people she believed in were only playing a role, while others, in an unlikely way, are true heroes.

Grace can never have the life she planned, but she has one chance to be the person she will have to live with for the rest of her life. Her choice will cost her, big time, either way-and no one can make it except her.


Texas Gothic - Rosemary Clement-Moore

I got this one from my local library. I have heard a little bit about it, and I love the premise of the book combined with the cover. It sounds like it has some really good potenial.

Amy Goodnight’s family is far from normal. She comes from a line of witches, but tries her best to stay far outside the family business. Her summer gig? Ranch-sitting for her aunt with her wacky but beautiful sister. Only the Goodnight Ranch is even less normal than it normally is. Bodies are being discovered, a ghost is on the prowl, and everywhere she turns, the hot neighbor cowboy is in her face.



Blind Spot - Laura Ellen

Another library read! Amazing cover… I won’t lie, I love a good cover!

There’s none so blind as they that won’t see.

Seventeen-year-old Tricia Farni’s body floated to the surface of Alaska’s Birch River six months after the night she disappeared. The night Roz Hart had a fight with her. The night Roz can’t remember. Roz, who struggles with macular degeneration, is used to assembling fragments to make sense of the world around her. But this time it’s her memory that needs piecing together—to clear her name . . . to find a murderer.

This unflinchingly emotional novel is written in the powerful first-person voice of a legally blind teen who just wants to be like everyone else.



That is all from me this week, what did you receive in your mailboxes? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • I requested The Truth About You & Me from NetGalley too. I hope they approve my request too. :) I saw Screwed there too, but didn’t request it because of the reviews. You are brave. :)
    And I love both covers for Texas Gothic and Blind Spot.
    Nice books, I hope you enjoy them all!
    New books in my mailbox this week…

  • Lisa says:

    The Truth About You and Me looks really good. I have Blind Spot checked out from the library too. I’m interested to see how it pans out, especially because the main character is a TEENAGER with macular degeneration. Enjoy your books! (:

  • Screwed seems like a pretty intense read so I’d like to see more reviews before I decide to read it or not. Happy reading!

  • Melissa that’s some interesting looking books, enjoy!

    My STS

    Have a great week!

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