Tattoos Inspired By Fiction #1 - Harry Potter

Good morning readers! A while ago we had a regular Sunday feature with all kinds of nail art inspired by fiction… I think I had enough for about a years worth roughly, but like all good things it came to an end when my stash of images ran dry. lol So I was talking with Kristy and I also have a bit of a collection of pics of tattoos inspired by fiction. I am yet to get inked personally (although I have my first tattoo already picked - and yes it is Batman), but I have always loved tattoos and consider them the ultimate sign of fandom, getting something permanently placed on your body. Over the next coming Sunday’s I am going to share with you my favourites based on different books/series/authors each week.

This week, it’s Harry Potter.

What do you think?

  • JennRenee says:

    I love the last one!

    • Melissa says:

      I do too! I would totally get this tattooed on me. I also like the little one with Harry’s glasses and the lightning bolt, that’s pretty cute.

    • Kristy says:

      I love the subtlety of this one. Although I love the one above (although that shows a lot of commitment - its huge!)

  • My next tattoo (if and when I ever can afford another one haha) will for sure be HP inspired. I already have it planned :D

    • Melissa says:

      Another one? You already have ink? That’s awesome! I’d get a HP tattoo I think too. There’s a few I am keen on. I really want something Alice in Wonderland inspired.. once I find the right one. :D

    • Kristy says:

      That sounds great Sheri - you will have to let us know when you get it :)

      I love HP, but I don’t think my next tattoo will be related to it - but I do have a book inspired tattoo planned :)

  • Carolyn says:

    I worked with a girl that was obsessed with HP and had the lightning bolt tattooed behind her ear

  • Sherre says:

    I LOVE the first and the third ones. I love quote tattoos and those are so good!

  • Barmy_Bex says:

    I love Harry Potter!
    If I was brave enough I would get the ‘Mischief Managed’ one. So cool.
    My friend has the Deathly Hallows symbol tattooed on the back of his leg.

  • Meagan says:

    I would love to have a Deathly Hallows symbol on my wrist. These tattoos are sooo cool! Huge commitment to get one. :)

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