Christmas Inspired By Fiction #1

Hey everyone! Kristy and I over the next few weeks wanted to change things up a little and instead of our regular tattoos, cakes and nail art inspired by fiction feature, we thought we’d show a little bit of the festive season with Christmas Inspired By Fiction over December!

What do you think?

  • I always wanted to do something like this, but I have three cats who love to climb things and it would be a problem.

    Anyway, I find this extremely lovely !!!!!!

  • Cait D says:

    Oh gosh, I want to make one SO bad. I don’t have enough just green books…but maybe that little tiny one? I could so do that… ;)

  • Christmas is such a lovely time of the year! Books and Christmas makes it even better. Thanks for the post, we’re getting really close to the festive season!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  • […] Christmas Inspired By Fiction #1 […]

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