Christmas Inspired By Fiction #5
Hey everyone! Well, it is that time of year again! I am not sure where 2014 went, but we are nearing the end of it already. And December means it is time for the festive season! So once again, I thought out I would bring you some more Christmas cheer by sharing some more bookish Christmas trees and decorations. Although I cannot bring myself to destroy books to make some bookish Christmas bliss myself, I certainly enjoy looking at the things far more talented people than myself create… I hope you enjoy them too!
We brought you some Christmas Inspired by Fiction posts last year, so if you missed them and want to have a look, here are the links:
Christmas Inspired By Fiction #1
Christmas Inspired By Fiction #2
Christmas Inspired By Fiction #3
Christmas Inspired By Fiction #4
Merry Christmas! I hope santa brings you books, book boyfriends and of course, more books :)
What do you think?
Wonderful bookish inspired Christmas decorations! I particularly love the one of the pages on the wall and the colourful series tree on the bottom. Great post lovely!
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…Indulgence Insider #15 – Gaming Subscriptions
Ah those decorations! I need ALL OF THEM!
Mawa Mahima recently posted…This Week of Wordiness: Nothing, Nothing, and Reviews
Cool things!! There are some there that don’t destroy the books which would be fine, but yeah the actual cutting up and ripping of pages does make me cringe!
Renee recently posted…“…a triple decker, violently purple bus”
What are your sources for these pics? I want to learn how to make some of them!
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