Review: Jump (Twinmaker #1) - Sean Williams

Release Date: November 1st 2013
Published By: Allen & Unwin Australia
Pages: 416
Goodreads: Add it to your reading list

Rating: 4 out of 5

Synopsis: Clair lives in a world revolutionised by d-mat, a global teleport system that allows people to transport themselves instantaneously around the world. When a coded note promises improvement – the chance to change your body any way you want, making it stronger, taller, more beautiful – Clair thinks it’s too good to be true, but her best friend, Libby, is determined to give it a try.

What starts as Libby’s dream turns into Clair’s nightmare when Libby falls foul of a deadly trap. With the help of Jesse, the school freak, and a mysterious online friend called Q, Clair’s attempt to protect Libby leads her to an unimagined world of conspiracies and cover-ups. Soon her own life is at risk, and Clair is chased across the world in a desperate race against time.

Review: The world that Sean Williams has created is pretty much what I believed the world would be like by 2013 (because 2013 was like 100 million years away). As a child, things like Star Trek: The Next Generation and The Jetsons and seemed more like prophecy than fiction, and if you had of asked my 8 year old self what 2013 would be like, I would have included things like instant teleportation (d-mat ) and having the ability to make material items appear whenever you wanted them (fabber). Social media however does play a stronger part in Jump than I could have imaged back in the 80’s.

Jump (or Twinmaker as it is known in the US) is set in world where people travel by a teleportation system called d-mat, social media and virtual communication is just as much a necessity in life as eating and you are connected to the ‘Air’ via contact lenses and everything is at your beck and call.

The story starts with Clair and her best friend Libby receiving a meme (chain letter) which tells them that they can be improved. Improvement can change any aspect you don’t like about yourself, and the chain letter leads the reader believe that they are special to be given this opportunity. Although Clair is sceptical, Libby is quick to try Improvement. After Improvement, Libby starts to change, and Clair is determined to find out what is happening to her – and once Clair finds out that the Improvement may indeed ultimately kill Libby, she sets out on a mission to find out, and expose, what Improvement for what it really is.

Along the way, Clair makes many allies and enemies. This is where Clair, as a protagonist, let me down. There were times where she trusted someone or something too easily. In a world where you don’t know what or who to trust, I just felt that she was too trusting at times. Also, she was so determined to keep Libby’s friendship exactly how she needed it to be, she made some very stupid decisions. Throughout the story, Clair does become a lot stronger and is willing to do whatever it takes to change the wrongs, expose the truth, and ends up making decisions she never felt she would have to make.

I really liked her sidekick – Jesse. Jesse is the school freak – a “stainer”, someone who abstains from the technological advantages of their world, like using d-mat and fabbering. Clair and Jesse certainly have their ups and downs, I felt the natural growth of their friendship was very well done. Q was another interesting character, and one that I felt that Clair placed her trust in too soon. Clair “meets” Q after her own attempt at Improvement, but they only communicate via Air. Q has a childlike quality, and seems to attach herself to Clair quite quickly. Although I enjoyed what Q brought to this storyline, I found myself going from trusting her to being suspicious of her and her motives (I won’t tell you which was correct). Although at times I didn’t trust Q, I feel that this character was the most interesting of all –she is knows all about the technology this world is obsessed with (including Improvement), she is resourceful, she is intelligent, and she is determined to reach out to Clair.

The one character I didn’t really like was Libby. Libby is very insecure in herself – she is determined that Improvement will remove her birthmark and therefore will fix all of her problems. This attitude explodes to dramatic proportions after Improvement: she becomes self-centred and nasty towards Clair and her boyfriend Zep (although Zep may have deserved it to some degree). This “change” in her personality is explained later in the book, however I am not convinced that Libby has actually changed – it seems to me that these character traits were just brought to the surface and amplified.

What I found most interesting in Jump is how it exemplifies dependency on technology and social media, especially for the generation who have never been without it. Air combines all the technological advantages we have today: internet, mobile phones, ipods, video and instant messaging, social media, but it also does have that “big brother” aspect to it. At one point Clair finds herself without access to Air, and she nearly has a mini-meltdown. At first I thought “get over it, it probably won’t be for too long”, but then I remembered how panicked I get when I think I have lost my iPhone. I haven’t lived my whole life with the great technology available today, but I also don’t think I would function too well if it all disappeared tomorrow.

Jump is full of action, conspiracy and interesting characters. There were some great plot twists throughout Jump, with the ending throwing another one your way to open up for the sequel Crash. This futuristic world is well developed and thought out, the lifestyle is embedded into this society, and there are rules to this amazingly crafted world… but some are willing to break them.


“I have everything under control. It’s time you realized it and let me be who I am.”

“With one gesture, she would rid the world of everything she had been fighting.”

“Buried in the Air under a mountain of irrelevant information, as all important things are. Nothing is hidden, and everything is ignored.”

“Of the two of them, she had the most left to lose. She still had a life out there, waiting for her to escape the people chasing them and reconnect. He, on the other hand, had lost almost everything-which made what he did have left all the more precious.”

“To life,” “and the hard business of living it.”

“How many brilliant minds had taken over the live of innocent young people who had wished to be more than they were?”

Review: These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) - Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

Release Date: December 10th 2013
Published By: Allen & Unwin (Aus) & Disney Hyperion (US)
Pages: 374
Goodreads: Add it to your reading list

Rating: 4 out of 5

Synopsis: It’s a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.

Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.

Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.

Review: These Broken Stars is a remarkable novel that is just as much a YA romance as it is sci-fi.

I LOVED the first few chapters - they are completely gripping and action packed. The Icarus is crashing, and we’re not entirely sure what’s going to happen. As it lands, and Tarver and Lilac recover from this, we’re learn about their surroundings and situation at the same time they’re experiencing it for the first time which gives us as the reader the feeling that we’re being included.

Tarver and Lilac are both our protagonists with alternating chapters from each of their perspectives. It’s a great move for a story of this kind where the characters initially aren’t so good at communicating with each other - so as the reader, we’re not missing out on anything because we’re still receiving a really complete view of both their mindsets, thoughts and feelings at each step of the way.

I love the emotional journey we are taken on with Tarver and Lilac. They start out pretty well hating each other, and here and there’s we are given little gestures and small tokens that help them eventually build on a friendship, and then we see things work their way into something more. Interestingly enough they both started as a love interest in the first few chapters, but Lilac really pushed Tarver away in a very cruel humiliating way. The rest of the novel is then based on them trying to get over that and start over again.

I feel it’s also worth pointing out the character development in this story. So on point. Lilac is a really unlikable snotty princess when we first meet her. Untouchable because of who her father is. I took great delight when she was trying to rock climb in her high heels just for the simple fact that she was so stubborn and wouldn’t give in. I enjoy the strength that we see in her even at that point, but to see her character toughen and grow up throughout the novel was really rewarding in itself. She stopped relying on her namesake and actually dug in and started to become useful and resourceful.

Tarver on the other hand was always swoonworthy and awesome. I can’t say anything about him that I really didn’t like… haha

The storyline itself was very original and clever, and I feel will appeal to people who both like and don’t like sci-fi books. Even though this book is set in space, there is minimal action that happens in orbit as the Icarus crashes in the first few chapters, and both Lilac and Tarver are on a foreign planet trying to survive. It’s probably accurate to suggest there’s a really strong adventure element to this book as well - and I really enjoyed this part of it.

For me, the last 50 pages were amazing especially. There’s some fantastic story development that happens during this time to wrap the first book up. I am really satisfied at the ending of this book, and really curious at how it’s going to continue and in particular I want to know what the plot of the next book will look like.

A definite must read - highly recommend this one!

Australian Giveaway - Win a signed copy of These Broken Stars!

Thank you to the wonderful folks at Allen & Unwin Australia, they have provided Book Nerd Reviews with three giveaway copies of These Broken Stars to giveaway to 3 very lucky Australian winners (Sorry international folks, postage costs too much - you may want to check out our December International Giveaway though!).

Even more exciting was that I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the official book launch party for These Broken Stars in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago, and I was able to meet Amie and Meagan and asked for them to sign each of the giveaway copies! I also was able to land a free bookmark for each book as well as a bit of swag. So each winner will receive a signed copy.

This giveaway will run from now through to the end of the month, finishing on December 31st, so make sure you get your entries in before then. Everyone will get a free entry below, just for being rad (Yes I know… I am trying to bring rad back). You’ll get additional entries for putting in some effort - that’s only fair!

Please, I know I’ve mentioned it above - but people with an Australian mailing address only. Otherwise it’s really annoying when we administer this to find out one of the winners is in the Netherlands and we have to re-draw a new winner. Thank you and best of luck! x


a Rafflecopter giveaway

W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what we have been up to for the past week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

Melissa - I have started to read Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher. I really like the voice of the protagonist in this so far!

Kristy - I am about to start reading World After (Penryn & the End of Days, #2) by Susan Ee.


What did you recently finish reading?

Melissa - I finished reading These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) - by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. I really enjoyed this original sci-fi romance. The review of this was posted yesterday if you missed it.

Kristy - Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion, #1) by Aimee Carter and Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1) by Susan Ee. Both great books!


What do you think you’ll read next?

Melissa - Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano, Lockdown as well as Solitary by Alexander Gordon Smith and After Eden by Helen Douglas.

Kristy - This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales.


What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

Giveaway Winner of The Hunger Games Aussie Giveaway

Hello readers!! Melissa and I recently posted our review of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire movie, where we were also hosting an Australian Giveaway for one lucky winner to win an amazing The Hunger Games prize pack, including: The Hunger Games Adult Edition Boxed Set, Catching Fire Official Movie Companion plus a double pass to the movie (anywhere in Australia), valued at more than $100!!


And the winner of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Aussie Giveaway is…….


Congratulations Jennifer, I’ll send you an email shortly to get your address details, so that Scholastic Australia can get your prize out to you :)

Once again, we would like to thank Scholastic Australia for providing this great prize for this giveaway!

For those of you who entered and didn’t win, don’t despair! We still have our huge International December Giveaway, and we also have an Australian only giveaway happening VERY soon for 3 signed copies of These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (and by very soon, I mean within the next few hours - so keep your eyes out for this amazing giveaway).

Review: Where the Stars Still Shine – Trish Doller

Release Date: September 24th 2013
Published By: Bloomsbury
Pages: 352
Goodreads: Add it to your reading list

Rating: 4 out of 5

Synopsis: Stolen as a child from her large and loving family, and on the run with her mom for more than ten years, Callie has only the barest idea of what normal life might be like. She’s never had a home, never gone to school, and has gotten most of her meals from laundromat vending machines. Her dreams are haunted by memories she’d like to forget completely. But when Callie’s mom is finally arrested for kidnapping her, and Callie’s real dad whisks her back to what would have been her life, in a small town in Florida, Callie must find a way to leave the past behind. She must learn to be part of a family. And she must believe that love-even with someone who seems an improbable choice-is more than just a possibility.
Trish Doller writes incredibly real teens, and this searing story of love, betrayal, and how not to lose your mind will resonate with readers who want their stories gritty and utterly trueInsert synopsis

Review: Callie has spent her whole life living in a way that is not only undesirable, but has also damaged her in ways that she doesn’t even realise. As a young child, her mother kidnapped her, and since then they have been living on the run. Callie and her mother have never settled anywhere, Callie has never had a friend or been to school, her mother has gone from job to job and barely able to put food on the table or a roof over their head, and in an attempt to live a “normal life”, she has allowed her child to be hurt in ways that she cannot fathom.

Where the Stars Still Shine begins with Callie and her mother in another dead-end situation, and ready to flee at a moments notice. It is upon their next “adventure” that Callie’s mother is pulled over for a routine issue, and her past comes back to bite her. Callie is then shipped off to another life - a life where she has a devoted father, and large loving family, a stable home and where she can live a normal life - in other words, a life that Callie has never dared imagined and has no understanding on how to live in. Callie struggles to understand the life that she has meant to have, the friends and family that she has not seen in over 10 years and she battles to both resent her mother for robbing her of this life and loving her mother as the only thing she has ever known.

Callie’s feelings and reactions to situations is utterly realistic of a young person (well anyone really) having their life totally turned inside out. She struggles to comprehend how her mother could deprive her of the love of her father, but yet she cannot find herself hating her mother like most people around her do. She finds that having a best friend is much harder than she ever imagined. And she also finds herself falling for a guy who treats her better than any other boy she has ever met - and while she cannot believe that a guy would really be interested in her in the way he seems to be, she cannot help but wanting him to.

Haunted by memories, Callie must learn to accept and to be accepted, which is where Callie’s real struggle lies. I loved the realism in both Callie’s reaction and feelings to her situation, as well as the actions of those around her who suddenly find themselves in a situation they never thought they would be in. I especially felt for Callie’s dad - he has always loved her and wanted her back, but she is far from the little girl he remembers her to be. He brilliantly manoeuvres his way through playing both the respectful and understanding father, but also actually being a father. He understands that Callie has been through a lot, and is willing to give her the room she needs to deal with her situation, but he also needs to be her father and to set down some ground rules. And while he must be aching inside just longing inside to have the loving daughter he has always dreamt about, he finds himself suddenly with a scared, independent teenage daughter - but he manages to both give her the distance and support she needs, as well as include her in his established family situation.

Callie is certainly messed up - her life has been far from normal, and this has certainly affected her views on (and ability to have) normal relationships. Especially ones with boys. Callie and Alex’s relationship starts in very different way to most of those in YA books - it actually starts with a one-night stand. While this is not the traditional way to meet the “love interest”, I actually found this to be quite refreshing, and also endearing as Callie and Alex got to know each other (outside of the sheets).

This contemporary book does contain mature themes and is filled with relatable emotions, conflicting feelings, real problems, big issues, interesting characters and true-to-life situations. And a real ending. Yes, a real ending - not something that is nicely wrapped up in a bow. While I didn’t need the full happy-ever-after, I would have liked just a tiny little bit more from the ending - but that would have taken away from the realness. The ending nicely compliments the tone of this book, leaving you with a sense of joy, sadness, unanswered questions, and hope.



“There are so many maybes in life, but sometimes you just have to put your faith in possibility.”

“All week I’ve wanted just three things: hot wings, cold beer, and you.”

“Their family is perfect and happy, and I wonder if there is room in the picture for a seventeen-year-old girl. Do I want to be in that picture? Do I have a choice?”

“How could my mom be so selfish? Taking the pills would have kept us here. Taking the pills would have kept her from hooking up with Frank. All she had to do was take the goddamn pills and her life, my life, would have been ordinary. Happy.”

”And here I thought I was your first mermaid.”
“Goddess,” he says. “You are my first goddess.”

Christmas Inspired By Fiction #2

Hey everyone! Kristy and I are back with some more festive cheer! I love Christmas decorations made out of books, but I know Kristy and I feel the same way when it comes to destroying books for art. It’s a tough call. But if you’re like us, and can’t bring yourself to ruin your books for Christmas, enjoy the pictures at least!

Stacking the Shelves #64

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week! Kristy and I had a fantastic week once again, we’ve been extremely lucky!

Stacking the Shelves is bought to you by Tynga from Tynga’s Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


In Mel’s mailbox this week:

After The End (After The End #1) - Amy Plum

I got this copy from Edelweiss - love Amy Plums writing, this should be good!

World War III has left the world ravaged by nuclear radiation. A lucky few escaped to the Alaskan wilderness. They’ve survived for the last thirty years by living off the land, being one with nature, and hiding from whoever else might still be out there.

At least, this is what Juneau has been told her entire life.

When Juneau returns from a hunting trip to discover that everyone in her clan has vanished, she sets off to find them. Leaving the boundaries of their land for the very first time, she learns something horrifying: There never was a war. Cities were never destroyed. The world is intact. Everything was a lie.

Now Juneau is adrift in a modern-day world she never knew existed. But while she’s trying to find a way to rescue her friends and family, someone else is looking for her. Someone who knows the extraordinary truth about the secrets of her past.

The Murder Complex - Lindsay Cummings

Also from Edelweiss! :)

An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?


Fan Art - Sarah Tregay

Another book from Edelweiss. This looks a little deeper than the cover suggests, I am looking forward to this!

Senior year is almost over, and Jamie Peterson has a big problem. Not college—that’s all set. Not prom—he’ll find a date somehow. No, it’s the worst problem of all: he’s fallen for his best friend.

As much as Jamie tries to keep it under wraps, everyone seems to know where his affections lie, and the giggling girls in art class are determined to help Jamie get together with Mason. But Jamie isn’t sure if that’s what he wants—because as much as Jamie would like to come clean to Mason, what if the truth ruins everything? What if there are no more road trips, taco dinners, or movie nights? Does he dare risk a childhood friendship for romance?

This book is about what happens when a picture reveals what we can’t say, when art is truer than life, and how falling in love is easy, except when it’s not. Fan Art explores the joys and pains of friendship, of pressing boundaries, and how facing our worst fears can sometimes lead us to what we want most.

Guy In Real Life - Steve Brezenoff

From Edelweiss, this book looks fantastic. Love gaming, and this looks like something I’ll really enjoy.

An achingly real and profoundly moving love story about two Minnesota teens whose lives become intertwined through school, role-playing games, and a chance two-a.m. bike accident

It is Labor Day weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota, and boy and girl collide on a dark street at two thirty in the morning: Lesh, who wears black, listens to metal, and plays MMOs; and Svetlana, who embroiders her skirts, listens to Björk and Berlioz, and dungeon masters her own RPG. They should pick themselves up, continue on their way, and never talk to each other again.

But they don’t.

This is a story of two people who do not belong in each other’s lives, who find each other at a time when they desperately need someone who doesn’t belong in their lives. A story of those moments when we act like people we aren’t in order to figure out who we are. A story of the roles we all play-at school, at home, with our friends, and without our friends-and the one person who might show us what lies underneath it all.


Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight - Travis Langley

Next few books aren’t YA, but I went on and found some really good books that are pretty nerdy like myself. I thought for something a bit different, I’d give them a try. I am over half way through this one, and I am really enjoying it. Love Batman & psychology. :)

Batman is one of the most compelling and enduring characters to come from the Golden Age of Comics, and interest in his story has only increased through countless incarnations since his first appearance inDetective Comics #27 in 1939. Why does this superhero without superpowers fascinate us? What does that fascination say about us? Batman and Psychology explores these and other intriguing questions about the masked vigilante, including: Does Batman have PTSD? Why does he fight crime? Why as a vigilante? Why the mask, the bat, and the underage partner? Why are his most intimate relationships with “bad girls” he ought to lock up? And why won’t he kill that homicidal, green-haired clown?


The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy, and the History of Comic Book Heroines - Mike Madrid

Another audible find that I’m really interested in reading. Love me some female superheroes!

A much-needed alternative history of American comic book superheroines—from Wonder Woman to Supergirl and beyond—where they fit in popular culture and why, and what these crime-fighting females say about the role of women in American society from their creation to now, and into the future. The Supergirls is an entertaining and informative look at these modern-day icons, exploring how superheroines fare in American comics, and what it means for the culture when they do everything the superhero does, but in thongs and high heels.

Has Wonder Woman hit the comic book glass ceiling? Is that the one opposition that even her Amazonian strength can’t defeat?


Superheroes!: Capes, Cowls, and the Creation of Comic Book Culture - Laurence Maslon, Michael Kantor

And the final book I picked up this week - another audible find. :)

Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, the Avengers, the X-Men, Watchmen, and more: the companion volume to the PBS documentary series of the same name that tells the story of the superhero in American popular culture.

Together again for the first time, here come the greatest comic book superheroes ever assembled between two covers: down from the heavens-Superman and the Mighty Thor-or swinging over rooftops-the Batman and Spider-Man; star-spangled, like Captain America and Wonder Woman, or clad in darkness, like the Shadow and Spawn; facing down super-villains on their own, like the Flash and the Punisher or gathered together in a team of champions, like the Avengers and the X-Men!

In both Mel & Kristy’s mailbox this week:

Eternity (Fury #3) - Elizabeth Miles

Thanks to Simon & Schuster for this copy.


The weather is mild in Ascension…but beneath the surface, everything is burning up. The nightmare Emily Winters has been living through for months shows no sign of ending, as the Furies stay on the peripheral, slowly driving her crazy. Em feels…different. She’s angry, and never cold, and too strong. It’s only a matter of time before she turns into the thing she hates the most. Em needs to take her fate into her own hands, but without Drea to help, or anyone to turn to, Em is quickly running out of options.

Crow’s involvement with Em has grown more complicated, as his visions begin to take shape. It doesn’t look good for Em, but Crow has a plan. He will do anything to save her. Anything. JD misses the Em he used to know…and love. She seems so different these days, like she’s hiding something. When JD begins to learn the truth, he is as scared as he is determined to help her. But his help may be the last thing Em needs to survive.


In Kristy’s mailbox this week:

More Than This - Patrick Ness

I won this from the wonderful YA Books Central :)

A boy named Seth drowns, desperate and alone in his final moments, losing his life as the pounding sea claims him. But then he wakes. He is naked, thirsty, starving. But alive. How is that possible? He remembers dying, his bones breaking, his skull dashed upon the rocks. So how is he here? And where is this place? It looks like the suburban English town where he lived as a child, before an unthinkable tragedy happened and his family moved to America. But the neighborhood around his old house is overgrown, covered in dust, and completely abandoned. What’s going on? And why is it that whenever he closes his eyes, he falls prey to vivid, agonizing memories that seem more real than the world around him? Seth begins a search for answers, hoping that he might not be alone, that this might not be the hell he fears it to be, that there might be more than just this. . . .


World After (Penryn & The End Of Days #2) - Susan Ee

My pre-order arrived this week. Which is good timing as I am planning on reading Angel Fall very soon.

When a group of people capture Penryn’s sister Paige, thinking she’s a monster, the situation ends in a massacre. Paige disappears. Humans are terrified. Mom is heartbroken.

Penryn drives through the streets of San Francisco looking for Paige. Why are the streets so empty? Where is everybody? Her search leads her into the heart of the angels’ secret plans where she catches a glimpse of their motivations, and learns the horrifying extent to which the angels are willing to go.

Meanwhile, Raffe hunts for his wings. Without them, he can’t rejoin the angels, can’t take his rightful place as one of their leaders. When faced with recapturing his wings or helping Penryn survive, which will he choose?


That is all from us this week, what did you receive in your mailboxes? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!



Feral Friday - Buying Books For Other People

It’s Feral Friday! And we here at Book Nerd Reviews thought we would discuss a topic that really sends us feral.

Christmas is quickly approaching, and it is nearly time for us to play Santa’s little elves and get presents for all those who have been naughty and nice (we don’t discriminate against the naughty here at Book Nerd Reviews).

This week, we’re talking about buying books for other people:

Kristy’s say:

Tis the season to go shopping! And when it comes to buying presents, books are something that I normally get people. And I do this for multiple reasons:

  • If I have to go shopping, then I want it to interest me (I hate shopping).
  • Most of friends are readers.
  • I think it is fantastic to give someone a book - so they can relax, be transported into another world, be entertained and maybe find something they can really connect to. Not many other things can provide such an experience (and such value for money).
  • Because a lot of the people I buy for are interstate, and if I buy them a book, I can get it delivered directly to them (saves on postage, as online retailers are normally cheaper than sending myself - or free postage).
  • Because I love sharing great books, I love talking about books and I love hearing about others experiences with books (a totally selfish reason really).
  • And basically, I love getting books - so I am pushing my wants and wishes onto those I care about most :)

But, as much as I love giving books, it can be one of the most difficult things to do as well. There are two main things to consider when buying someone else a book: what are their reading tastes, and do they already have it/already read it.

Reading tastes is something that is pretty easy - if you know someone well enough to buy them presents, you probably know them well enough to know what type of books they like. As the people I buy for mostly like the same books that I do, I tend to buy books for others that I have liked/loved myself (for example, in 2011 I brought pretty much every one Daughter of Smoke and Bone). But when it comes to close friends, this does not always work - as when friends read a really great book, they tend to tell each other and end up buying/reading it before you get the chance to buy it for them. This is when I fall back on books that I haven’t read yet, but are high on my TBR pile or wishlist (once again, only helpful if the person you are buying for has the same taste in books as you).

But, knowing if someone already has a book you are considering buying can be somewhat harder. This is where Goodreads can come in handy for some people. Some people (and I certainly am not one of them) have very well sorted Goodreads shelves, so you can see what they already have, or what they want. But for those who don’t organise their shelves on Goodreads, it can be a lot harder. So what can do about those people? Well, you have three options, snoop, guess or ask. Snooping through their bookshelf will tell you what someone already has (if you can do that without flying interstate or looking like a total stalker). Guessing is a bit of a gamble as they may already have the book you buy for them. Or you could ask - the downside to this is then the person will know what you are getting them (Or, it could completely backfire on you and they won’t tell you what books they want - I admit, I am one of those who don’t answer that question; it makes me feel that if I answer then the other person is obliged to buy me something, and I don’t expect anyone to buy me anything).

But, as troublesome as it can be, I still think books are the best present you can get someone. Go ahead, buy your loved ones a book (and, if you happen to buy some for yourself while doing it YAY!).

Here are some of my tips for buying books for other people:

  • Obviously, try to buy one they don’t already have.
  • Buy a book that you think they will like. Remember you are giving them a present to bring them joy, not to give them the burden of feeling obliged to read a book they aren’t interested in.
  • If you are buying them a sequel, try to find out which edition they have of the previous book(s) so you can get them the matching sequel.
  • Remember their format preference - if they prefer hardcovers or paperback, try to get them what they like.
  • If you can afford it, a boxset is a lovely present. They are pretty, and complete, and overall, a wonderful present.
  • If you need to post the present, consider buying it from an online retailer and get it sent directly to them reduce postage costs.
  • If you are stuck for ideas, ask around - ask your friends for their favourites, ask at a bookstore, ask a librarian, ask a blogger, rummage around Goodreads and check out your favourite bloggers’ reviews and recommondations. There are so many great books out there - you will find one!
  • Have fun with buying the book(s).
  • If all else fails, buy them a gift card/voucher for their local bookstore.

I hope you all have fun book-shopping for some lucky recipient - but more importantly, I hope you all get piles of books this x-mas!

Melissa’s say:

Sorry mine isn’t going to be as amazing and comprehensive as Kristy’s post was! I have a lot going on at the moment, but didn’t want to miss out on the post. :)

Honestly, I wish I had more bookish friends. I have a few friends that love books like I do, but they’re certainly not the bulk of my friends. But for my fellow bookish mates, I love the idea of buying them books for Christmas. Books I think are such a personal decision that you invest your time and interest in, and I feel a lot of pressure when I am buying them for others! I always want to do really well - and I feel like there’s a lot riding on it when they open the present to see what books you chose. I tend to stick with books I’ve personally read and loved - but that’s not always the case! I am not always a great gift giver, but as much as I hate to say it - vouchers do make a great back up option if in doubt.

The first thing is always - do they already have this?! Because I have a goldfish memory and I am not great at remembering the books people tell me they want to read or have bought! Eek! But I think Goodreads can be a really useful tool sometimes when looking at the books people want to read. I know I have hundreds of books on my To Read list, and I am not the most organised when it comes to my list, but I think if you see it, you get the gist. And I think lists are really telling about what books people want to read, so it certainly gives you a nudge in the right direction. You can’t usually go to far wrong picking a title from their list. I do also love the idea of a nice boxset as a Christmas present.. books all presented in a neat little package!

A few years ago for a friends birthday I bought her The Hunger Games books. And I don’t know who was more excited… haha She had heard me talk about them for ages but hadn’t read them. But I was really excited to give them to her - I wanted her to enjoy them, but more than anything, I was dying to have a really good conversation with someone about the series finally! At that time, my friends hadn’t read the books, and I was busting to talk to others about it. So there’s always a selfish benefit in there for you too. :)


Do you like giving books as presents? Do you have trouble picking which books to buy? Do you have any book buying tips to share? Let us know in your comments below!

W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what we have been up to for the past week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

Melissa - I am currently reading two books - one YA and one not. I am reading These Broken Stars by the lovely Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner who I met last week and will be posting this review on the blog on December 10th. I am also reading a book called Batman and Psychology: A Dark And Stormy Knight by Travis Langley, which lets face it - combines my two loves with Batman and the study of psychology. So I am really enjoying this.

Kristy - I haven’t started it yet, but I am about to start Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion, #1) by Aimee Carter.


What did you recently finish reading?

Melissa - I last finished reading Allegiant (Divergent #3) - Veronica Roth and I really enjoyed it! Kristy and I both reviewed this last week.

Kristy - Jump (Twinmaker, #1) by Sean Williams. Review coming soon.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Melissa - I really want to read Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano next if I can. I do have a number of review books though which I know I need to review. I’d also like to read The Outside (The Hallowed #2) by Laura Bickle shortly if I can.

Kristy - Hmmm, I’m not sure, either Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1) by Susan Ee or This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales.


What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

Christmas Boxsets - Harry Potter Edition

Tis the season the be jolly! Well, tis the season to go shopping anyway. And Melissa and I believe the best type of shopping is book-shopping, so we wanted to share with you some of the amazing boxsets that are available. In our first Christmas Boxsets post we promised you a Harry Potter boxset post, so here they are… all the complete Harry Potter boxsets available.

Prices are based in US dollars and based on current availability and prices on The Book Depository. They ship worldwide with free postage too! If you would like further information on one (or all) of these boxsets, just click on the title and it will direct you to that edition on The Book Depository.

Special Edition Harry Potter Paperback Box Set

Hardcover version (pictured) is $92.26

The perfect gift for collectors and new readers alike, we now present a breathtaking special edition boxed set of J. K. Rowling’s seven bestselling Harry Potter books! The box itself is beautifully designed with new artwork by Kazu Kibuishi, and the books create a gorgeous, magical vista when the spines are lined up together.

Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Adult Paperback)

Paperback version (pictured) is $73.49

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels are now available in these spectacular new editions, with beautifully designed jackets by renowned woodcut artist Andrew Davidson. This stylish boxed set includes all seven novels and is perfect for Harry Potter novices and collectors alike.


Harry Potter Classic Hardback Boxed Set (Hardback)

Hardcover version (pictured) is $165.80

Contains all seven Harry Potter titles - “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

Harry Potter Special Edition Boxed Set (Hardback)

Hardback version (pictured) is $210.78

Contains all seven Harry Potter titles. A fabulous opportunity to own all seven Harry Potter titles in a fantastic boxed set

gothic romance.

Harry Potter Paperback Boxed Set: Books #1-7

Hardback version (pictured) is $79.34

J.K. Rowling seven bestselling Harry Potter books are available in a stunning paperback boxed set!


Harry Potter Hardback Boxed Set

Hardcover version (pictured) is $134.97

The first opportunity to own all seven Harry Potter titles in hardback in the latest ‘Signature’ edition livery. All encased in a smart gift box. The books will have stylish marker ribbons and decorated endpapers.


Harry Potter Paperback Boxed Set (Paperback)

Paperback version (pictured) is $73.49

A fantastic boxed set incorporating the complete set of Harry Potter titles. This is the perfect opportunity to own all seven “Harry Potter” titles in the latest ‘Signature’ edition livery. All are encased in a smart gift box.

Harry Potter Classic Hardback Boxed Set by JK Rowling

Hardcover version (pictured) is $140.23

Contains all seven Harry Potter titles - “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

Harry Potter Adult Paperback Boxed Set by JK Rowling

Paperback version (pictured) is $86.03

A boxed set, including the titles “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

Harry Potter Classic Hardback Boxed Set: Books #1-7

Hardcover version (pictured) is $193.12

HARRY POTTER BOXED SET 1-7 includes the seven phenomenal Harry Potter hardcover books. These books are housed in a limited edition, collectible trunk-like box with sturdy handles and privacy lock. HARRY POTTER BOXED SET 1-7 includes the seven phenomenal Harry Potter hardcover books by best selling author J. K. Rowling. These books are housed in a limited edition, collectible trunk-like box with sturdy handles and privacy lock. Bonus decorative stickers are included in each boxed set.

So many wonderful Harry Potter boxsets to choose from! I want them all :)

Melissa and I will be posting more christmas boxsets shortly - everything from vampires to dragons are coming your way soon!

Christmas Inspired By Fiction #1

Hey everyone! Kristy and I over the next few weeks wanted to change things up a little and instead of our regular tattoos, cakes and nail art inspired by fiction feature, we thought we’d show a little bit of the festive season with Christmas Inspired By Fiction over December!

Review: Antigoddess (Goddess War #1) – Kendare Blake

Release Date: September 10th 2013
Published By: Orchard Books (UK), Tor Teen (US)
Pages: 333
Goodreads: Add it to your reading list

Rating: 4 out of 5

Synopsis: Old Gods never die…

Or so Athena thought. But then the feathers started sprouting beneath her skin, invading her lungs like a strange cancer, and Hermes showed up with a fever eating away his flesh. So much for living a quiet eternity in perpetual health.

Desperately seeking the cause of their slow, miserable deaths, Athena and Hermes travel the world, gathering allies and discovering enemies both new and old. Their search leads them to Cassandra—an ordinary girl who was once an extraordinary prophetess, protected and loved by a god.

These days, Cassandra doesn’t involve herself in the business of gods—in fact, she doesn’t even know they exist. But she could be the key in a war that is only just beginning.

Because Hera, the queen of the gods, has aligned herself with other of the ancient Olympians, who are killing off rivals in an attempt to prolong their own lives. But these anti-gods have become corrupted in their desperation to survive, horrific caricatures of their former glory. Athena will need every advantage she can get, because immortals don’t just flicker out.

Every one of them dies in their own way. Some choke on feathers. Others become monsters. All of them rage against their last breath.

The Goddess War is about to begin.

Review: The Twilight of the Gods has arrived. And Greek Gods are slowly dying in a way that is unique to their own power. But determined to find a cure, Athena seeks counsel from Demeter and finds that a war of the gods is brewing and that they may not be able to avoid Fate. War of the gods comes from those who are determined to survive, even if it means slaughtering their own kind. The only hope for survival (for both sides) lays in a single teenage girl - Cassandra - who is no mere moral, but in fact the reincarnation of the prophet, Cassandra of Troy.

Set in the modern day world, this storyline itself if full of Greek mythological references, including gods, goddess, reincarnation and the Trojan war - but don’t worry, if you aren’t up to speed with Greek mythology, Kendare skilfully provides you with all the information you need, without over-loading you with unnecessary details. The writing style is fantastic - with an abundance of action, and lots of gory detail. The battle scenes, and even descriptions of characters, are filled with grotesque realism that leaves images that cannot be forgotten. Antigoddess follows two storylines: one follows Cassandra, while the other follows Athena, the goddess of battle and war. The storyline was amazingly executed, following the struggles of a tired, but yet determined goddess, as well and a regular teenage girl who learns she is certainly not ordinary. These two storylines are brilliantly weaved together in the later part of the book, to ensure that you get the best perspective for the chilling conclusion.

These long forgotten and once immortal Greek gods and goddesses are slowly dying - but that are not going to give up eternity easily - and this results in some interesting character development. Keeping true to form, these gods have issues - some are power-driven and will do whatever it takes to survive - which includes backstabbing and killing their own. Some of these deities are insane, some are evil, some are driven by love, some will do what they have to do to protect their own. The gods themselves were written sublimely. Yes, they are gods, so in some you see a lot of their pride or struggle for power, their self-involvement or their inability to move on, but in others you also get to see the humane and relatable side. Athena is the goddess we get to the learn most about, and while she is strong and determined, we also get to see the scared and vulnerable side of her.

I also found Kendare’s knowledge of Greek mythology impressive. In Antigoddess, we meet characters such as Athena, Hera, Hermes, Apollo, Posidon, Aphrodite, Odysseus - along with references to others. All of these characters are intriguing, as each god is suffering a slow death; from being driven to insanity, being drowned by feathers, turning to stone or their own body eating away at itself. But I am most impressed with the characters personalities, as they struggle to come to terms with the fact that they are not immortal as once believed, they are no longer adored in the way they used to be and they no longer hold the same power they once did. Gods and goddess’s they may be, but they are still prone to human emotions, such as love, envy, grief and greed.

I haven’t read any other of Kendare’s books as yet, but I can see why so many people like her work. She truly has a talent for horror, as she weaves murderous gods, disturbing prophecies, gory battle scenes, unsettling descriptions and intriguing plotlines together. Antigoddess builds up to an amazing, action-filled, powerful, heartbreaking ending that will leave you satisfied until the next book. I think Kendare’s ability to leave this book with one part of the storyline wrapped up, but yet leaving enough of the important questions unanswered, is a display of fantastic writing. Antigoddess leaves us in a place full of intrigue and uncertainty, but yet I am fully satisfied with where and how it ended, and I am very excited for the next book.


“If this is how Aphrodite feels every day, it’s no wonder she’s such an idiot.”

“Do you remember her with something besides your penis?”

“Is the great Odysseus getting tired?”

“This is what men risk so much for; this shiver, this acute heat and desire. This is what they think eternity feels like.”

“Rarely. And never front and centre. Face it, sis, I was always the Green Lantern to your Iron Man.”

“I didn’t want you to look at me the way you’re looking at me now.”

International December Giveaway

Wow it’s almost Christmas you guys, can you believe it? So December is upon us which means it’s only fitting for us to announce our December Giveaway! If you didn’t win our giveaway last month, here’s your chance to enter our new giveaway… all the books below are brand new YA releases this month.

We’re giving you the opportunity to win the title of your choice below! This giveaway will be running for all of December, and you can enter no matter where you live in the world (as long as The Book Depository ship to you)! We will have three winners this month and each winner can pick any of the following titles:

One More Day - L.S. Murphy
Ink is Thicker Than Water - Amy Spalding
Third Lie’s the Charm (The Liar Society #3) - Lisa Roecker & Laura Roecker
Racing Savannah (Hundred Oaks #4) - Miranda Kenneally
Deadly (Pretty Little Liars #14) - Sara Shepard
These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) - Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1) - Andrea Cremer
Fireblood (Fireblood #1) - Trisha Wolfe
Fracture Me (Shatter Me #2.5) - Tahereh Mafi
Ashes to Ashes - Melissa Walker
The Promise of Amazing - Robin Constantine
The Offering (The Pledge #3) - Kimberly Derting

This giveaway is running all month right through to December 31st at 6pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) when the winners will be drawn using Rafflecopter, which plucks out random winners. You all get a free entry below, and if you want to follow us or tweet about the giveaway we’ll give you some more entries. The more entries, the more chances you have to win!

Good luck! x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Nerding Out In December - New Releases

Wow okay, so December is here and we’re back with the YA books that are coming out this month! Bit of a quiet month in terms of major releases, however there’s still some pretty good picks this month. If you’re keen on any of these titles, you should keep your eyes peeled for our big December giveaway which will be up today - all of the titles below will be up for grabs!

December 2nd

One More Day - L.S. Murphy

What if today never ends?

What if everything about life—everything anyone hoped to be, to do, to experience—never happens?

Whether sitting in a chair, driving down the road, in surgery, jumping off a cliff or flying … that’s where you’d be … forever.

In One More Day, Erika Beebe, Marissa Halvorson, Kimberly Kay, J. Keller Ford, Danielle E. Shipley and Anna Simpson join L.S. Murphy to give us their twists, surprising us with answers to two big questions, all from the perspective of characters under the age of eighteen.

How do we restart time? How do we make everything go back to normal? The answers, in whatever the world—human, alien, medieval, fantasy or fairytale—could,maybe, happen today. Right now. What would you do if this happened … to you?


December 3rd

Ink is Thicker Than Water - Amy Spalding

For Kellie Brooks, family has always been a tough word to define. Combine her hippie mom and tattooist stepdad, her adopted overachieving sister, her younger half brother, and her tough-love dad, and average Kellie’s the one stuck in the middle, overlooked and impermanent. When Kellie’s sister finally meets her birth mother and her best friend starts hanging with a cooler crowd, the feeling only grows stronger.

But then she reconnects with Oliver, the sweet and sensitive college guy she had a near hookup with last year. Oliver is intense and attractive, and she’s sure he’s totally out of her league. But as she discovers that maybe intensity isn’t always a good thing, it’s yet another relationship she feels is spiraling out of her control.

It’ll take a new role on the school newspaper and a new job at her mom’s tattoo shop for Kellie to realize that defining herself both outside and within her family is what can finally allow her to feel permanent, just like a tattoo.


Third Lie’s the Charm (The Liar Society #3) - Lisa Roecker & Laura Roecker

New friend into old, the bond of the Sisterhood will never grow cold.

Life at Pemberly Brown is a whirlwind for Kate Lowry. Determined to finally destroy the secret society responsible for her best friend Grace’s death, Kate joins the Sisterhood hoping to go all Trojan Horse on their asses. But the night of her initiation another student at Pemberly Brown dies in what looks like tragic accident.

Kate knows better.

Kate and her faithful ginger, Seth Allen, immediately uncover a connection to the boy’s death and the secret societies that rule Pemberly Brown. But it’s not until Kate begins receiving pages from Grace’s old journal that she begins to piece together what really happened the night she died and how it connects to Pemberly Brown’s most recent tragedy.

Meanwhile, Kate’s ex-boyfriend Liam is following her around like an angry guard dog and she’s falling hard for the mysterious Bradley Farrow. Both boys are tied up in the mystery that surrounds Pemberly Brown, but only one of them can truly be trusted.

In this chilling conclusion to The Liar Society series Kate will fight to save her school from the evil that lurks beneath its hallowed halls. But will her quest destroy her or finally lead her to true love? She can only hope her third lie’s the charm.


Racing Savannah (Hundred Oaks #4) - Miranda Kenneally

They’re from two different worlds.

He lives in the estate house, and she spends most of her time in the stables helping her father train horses. In fact, Savannah has always been much more comfortable around horses than boys. Especially boys like Jack Goodwin—cocky, popular and completely out of her league. She knows the rules: no mixing between the staff and the Goodwin family. But Jack has no such boundaries.

With her dream of becoming a horse jockey, Savannah isn’t exactly one to follow the rules either. She’s not going to let someone tell her a girl isn’t tough enough to race. Sure, it’s dangerous. Then again, so is dating Jack…


Deadly (Pretty Little Liars #14) - Sara Shepard

Deadly, the fourteenth volume in Sara Shepard’s YA Pretty Little Liars series, delivers more juicy scandals, dark secrets, and shocking plot twists. This #1 New York Times bestselling series is also a hit ABC Family original TV show.

High school seniors Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer have all done horrible things—things that would put them behind bars if anyone ever found out. And their stalker “A” knows everything.

So far A has kept their secrets, using them to torture the girls. But now A’s changed the game. Suddenly the girls are hauled in for questioning, and all their worlds begin to unravel. If A’s plan succeeds, Rosewood’s pretty little liars will be locked away for good.


December 10th

These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) - Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

It’s a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.

Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.

Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.


Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1) - Andrea Cremer

Fans asked for it, and now they’ve got it! Andrea Cremer is continuing the story she began in in her internationally bestselling trilogy: Nightshade, Wolfsbane and Bloodrose. In this new installment, Bosque Mar haunts the dreams of both Adne and Logan, trying to escape for the Nether, where Calla, Shay and the other Guardians trapped him in the final battle in the War of All Against All. Will he turn Adne to the dark side? Will Logan reclaim his birthright? And will darkness take over our world? In a novel filled with magic, romance and breakneck action, master storytelling Andrea Cremer’s newest installment will not disappoint!


November 17th

Fireblood (Fireblood #1) - Trisha Wolfe

To save a kingdom, Zara must choose between a prince who could be the answer and a rising rebellion that threatens to take control.

When Zara Dane is chosen to marry Prince Sebastian Hart, son of the man who ordered her father’s capture, Zara knows she must fight to save everything she loves from ruin.

Being betrothed to the prince means a life trapped behind the towering stone walls of the Camelot-forged realm. Under the watchful eye of the prince’s first knight, Sir Devlan Capra, changing her future becomes difficult.

When an unlikely rebel reveals the truth about the deadly secrets that fuel King Hart’s twisted world, Zara’s path to rescue her father becomes clouded by deception. The Rebels clear her path by forcing Zara’s hand with an ultimatum: sway Prince Sebastian to join the Rebels, convincing him of his father’s evil nature, or they will take him out.

But Zara is uncertain about a future under the Rebels’ command and where the prince’s heart truly lies. She must decide who to trust, what to believe, and what she’s truly fighting for before the king destroys all of Karm, including her heart.


Fracture Me (Shatter Me #2.5) - Tahereh Mafi

In this electrifying sixty-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, discover the fate of the Omega Point rebels as they go up against The Reestablishment. Set during and soon after the final moments of Unravel Me, Fracture Me is told from Adam’s perspective.

As Omega Point prepares to launch an all-out assault on The Reestablishment soldiers stationed in Sector 45, Adam’s focus couldn’t be further from the upcoming battle. He’s reeling from his breakup with Juliette, scared for his best friend’s life, and as concerned as ever for his brother James’s safety. And just as Adam begins to wonder if this life is really for him, the alarms sound. It’s time for war.

On the battlefield, it seems like the odds are in their favor—but taking down Warner, Adam’s newly discovered half brother, won’t be that easy. The Reestablishment can’t tolerate a rebellion, and they’ll do anything to crush the resistance . . . including killing everyone Adam has ever cared about.

Fracture Me sets the stage for Ignite Me, the explosive finale in Tahereh Mafi’s epic dystopian series. It’s a novella not to be missed by fans who crave action-packed stories with tantalizing romance like Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Legend by Marie Lu.


December 23rd

Ashes to Ashes - Melissa Walker

If I Stay meets the movie Ghost in this first book in a teen duology about a teenage-girl-turned-ghost who must cling to the echoes of her former life to save the people she left behind.

Ashes to Ashes is author Melissa Walker’s sweeping, romantic, and emotionally rich story about the things that torment and tempt us, even from the Great Beyond. This book is perfect for fans of Die for Me and Imaginary Girls, and its breathtaking ending will leave readers anxiously awaiting the series conclusion, Dust to Dust.

When Callie’s life is cut short by a tragic accident, she expects to find nothingness, or maybe some version of heaven.

Instead, her spirit travels to the Prism, an ethereal plane populated by the ghosts she thought were fictional. Here she meets a striking and mysterious ghost named Thatcher, who is meant to guide her as she learns to haunt and bring peace to the loved ones she left behind.

However, Callie uncovers a dark secret about the spirit world: The angry souls who always populate ghost stories are real, dangerous, and willing to do whatever it takes to stay on Earth, threatening the existence of everyone she ever cared about.

As she fights to save them, Callie will learn that while it may no longer beat, her heart can still love-and break.


December 31st

The Promise of Amazing - Robin Constantine

Wren Caswell is average. Ranked in the middle of her class at Sacred Heart, she’s not popular, but not a social misfit. Wren is the quiet, “good” girl who’s always done what she’s supposed to—only now in her junior year, this passive strategy is backfiring. She wants to change, but doesn’t know how.

Grayson Barrett was the king of St. Gabe’s. Star of the lacrosse team, top of his class, on a fast track to a brilliant future—until he was expelled for being a “term paper pimp.” Now Gray is in a downward spiral and needs to change, but doesn’t know how.

One fateful night their paths cross when Wren, working at her family’s Arthurian-themed catering hall, performs the Heimlich on Gray as he chokes on a cocktail weenie, saving his life literally and figuratively. What follows is the complicated, awkward, hilarious, and tender tale of two teens shedding their pasts, figuring out who they are—and falling in love.


The Offering (The Pledge #3) - Kimberly Derting

True love—and world war—is at stake in the conclusion to The Pledge trilogy, a dark and romantic blend of dystopia and fantasy.
Charlie, otherwise known as Queen Charlaina of Ludania, has become comfortable as a leader and a ruler. She’s done admirable work to restore Ludania’s broken communications systems with other Queendoms, and she’s mastered the art of ignoring Sabara, the evil former queen whose Essence is alive within Charlie. Or so she thinks.

When the negotiation of a peace agreement with the Queendom of Astonia goes awry, Charlie receives a brutal message that threatens Ludania, and it seems her only option is to sacrifice herself in exchange for Ludanian freedom.

But things aren’t always as they seem. Charlie is walking into a trap—one set by Sabara, who is determined to reclaim the Queendoms at any cost.

November in Review

I am a day late, I am so sorry guys! I have had a big couple of days in Melbourne and was too exhausted last night to post this, but I figure better late than never! Kristy and I had a great month in November - Catching Fire came out, and we were busy watching that (twice each!), we read some great books, and we had a huge month in terms of giveaways.

In case you missed it, here is our November recap:


This month we reviewed the following books:

City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3) - Cassandra Clare
Tiger Lily - Jodi Lynn Anderson
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black
Unbreakable (Legion #1) - Kami Garcia
Night of Cake & Puppets (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2.5) - Laini Taylor
Allegiant (Divergent #3) - Veronica Roth

We also reviewed a movie this month with the release of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


We discussed

Kristy and I had only a couple of discussions in November since it was a busy month for us with giveaways, travelling and life in general! We will be more active in our blogging tips feature and Feral Friday posts in December however!

Novellas & Short Stories
Possessive Males in YA
Speed Reading Tips


Posts we really enjoyed from our blogging friends

There were some really great posts and discussions online this month. Here’s just some of what we enjoyed in November: