Bookshelf Bliss #1

Hi everyone! As we all love books (that’s given since we are all here), and we all know that amazing feeling of awe and jealousy when we see an amazing bookshelf, we thought it would be nice to provide you with some pictures of some lovely, luxurious home and retail libraries. These can be used as inspiration for own bookshelves, or to drool over, or to be envious - or all of the above! Enjoy!

What do you think?

  • Desnica Kumar says:

    They’re so amazing! I really love the second last one, I wish I owned that place. and it would be so awesome to walk under a tunnel of books, like in the first picture.

  • So many grabby hands right now! And now whenever these posts show up, I shall know I am in for some bookshelf ogling :D

  • Oh wow girls, this is lovely! I have to say, the last two are just beautiful, I’d especially love the second to last in a house in the future, but I have other plans for my own little library, little compartment door to hide it all, it’ll be snazzy. It’s lovely to see the different artistic styles too, such variety!

  • Love these pictures, Kristy!
    Especially the third book. Having a walk-in-library is one of my dream for my future house, so this Bookshelf Bliss will probably be very useful for future references! :)

  • Annie says:

    I can’t even begin to tell you how jealous I am of all of these bookshelves! My own are so dreadfully boring and so not glamorous and these are all just so cool! I really like that one with the window and the bookshelf, it’s very coffee shop-esque. I have to say though, the spirally staircase bookshelf is my favourite! So much space! And how fun would climbing that staircase be?

    • Melissa says:

      haha Kristy and I have a “thing” for shelves, I am sure as most of us bookish types do! So it seemed like a fitting idea for a series!! We’re glad you enjoy it! :D

      I love the idea of a coffee shop that looks like an ollllllld vintage book store or library with huge windows. I would never leave!
      Melissa recently posted…Review: Cruel Beauty – Rosamund HodgeMy Profile

  • Brea says:

    Oh I ADORE this! Gimme the bookcase that frames the door way. Now.
    I will be stalking this feature to oogle and drool over!

  • I really like the second to the last one. It’s so cool how it has a slide! I can just imagine myself climbing up and then sliding down with a book I want to read. :-)

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