Archive for the ‘Bookshelf Bliss’ Category:

Bookshelf Bliss #22

Hi everyone! I am back with another edition of Bookshelf Bliss! We all love bookshelves, we love looking at them. we love being in them, and sometimes we are just jealous of the ones others have. Some prefer cosy personal libraries, some funky, some colourful, some don’t mind as long as it filled with books! Which do you prefer?



Bookshelf Bliss #21

Hi everyone! I am back with another edition of Bookshelf Bliss! We all love bookshelves, we love looking at them. we love being in them, and sometimes we are just jealous of the ones others have. Some prefer cosy personal libraries, some funky, some colourful, some don’t mind as long as it filled with books! Which do you prefer?



Bookshelf Bliss #20

Hi everyone! I am back with more Bookshelf Bliss! I am back with Bookshelf Bliss! We all love bookshelves and we all love looking at them. Some people are far more creative with their bookshelves than I am, and here are a few examples of them.



Bookshelf Bliss #19

Hi everyone! I hope everyone has had a great week… and to finish it off, it is time for Bookshelf Bliss!

These bookshelves come from all over, great and small, colourful and unique. I love the different concepts of “the perfect bookshelf” that people have… and lets be honest, I love them all :)



Bookshelf Bliss #18

Hi everyone! It is another Bookshelf Bliss Sunday!

I am in awe of some of the bookshelves that people or business from all over the world have! There are just so many that I would love to recreate for myself. Do you have any favourites? Or alternatively, if you have or know know of an amazing bookshelves that should be showcased, let me know!



Bookshelf Bliss #17

Hi everyone! I am back with more Bookshelf Bliss!

It is amazing how creative some people are with their bookshelves… and even though we may not have the creative flare, or the room, to do create some of the bookshelves for ourselves it is always nice to look at them :)



Bookshelf Bliss #16

Hi everyone! I am back with Bookshelf Bliss! We all love bookshelves, we love looking at them. being in awe of them, and sometimes being just downright jealous of bookshelves that other people have. So, here are some pictures that will hopefully make you feel at least one of those things :)



Bookshelf Bliss #15

Hi everyone. Here are some more amazing bookshelves to create a feeling of awe and jealousy :)

Bookshelf Bliss #14

Some more pictures of some lovely, luxurious home and retail libraries. These can be used as inspiration for own bookshelves, or to drool over, or to be envious - or all of the above! Enjoy.

Bookshelf Bliss #13

Here are some more unique bookshelf bliss for you to admire!

Bookshelf Bliss #12

Here are some more amazing bookshelves and personal libraries for you to enjoy :)

Bookshelf Bliss #11

Another week of drool-worthy bookshelves, bookcases and libraries! We hope you enjoy these amazing (and some very colourful) displays of books!

Bookshelf Bliss #10

Hi everyone. Here are some more amazing bookshelves to create a feeling of awe and jealousy :)

Bookshelf Bliss #9

Another week for some pictures of some lovely, luxurious home and retail libraries. These can be used as inspiration for own bookshelves, or to drool over, or to be envious - or all of the above! Enjoy

Bookshelf Bliss #8

Here is some more unique bookshelf bliss for you to admire! We hope you enjoy these amazing displays of books!