Bookshelf Bliss #2

Welcome to another week of Bookshelf Bliss! Here are some more awe-inspiring bookshelves for you to enjoy :)

What do you think?

  • Ooohh I just LOVE the last one that you posted, it would be amazing to have a wall of shelves one day!

  • Ohhh, that last one has me utterly DROOLING. Those wooden walls and floor…and that LIGHT. Oh, and the fireplace!! I just, gah, the whole combination is absolutely delicious. Intense bookshelf love happening right here!! x)

  • So pretty! I love looking at book shelves. Thanks for sharing!

  • Annie says:

    This has easily become one of my favourite bookish features ever! I’m again in love with all these bookshelves and would have them all installed in a heartbeat… except for maybe the bathtub one. I think it looks super chic in the picture but I can’t help but think that all those poor books will get wet! I’ve tried reading in the bathtub and nope, never ends well. I can’t imagine having a full wall of books! I’d try not to splash them but inadvertently, I would.

  • Oh man can I just have all these wonderful bookshelves!? But first, I need some space in the house lol. This post is really encouraging and inspiring me to succeed in college so that I can get a great job and get a beautiful house so that my bookshelves can fit haha. :D Great post as always!

  • Chelsea says:

    I love the first one and the last one! Though, I must say, having a fire in the middle of a wall of books makes me slightly nervous!!

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