W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Thursday however we’re bringing a delayed WWW Wednesday (Mel’s note: it’s all on me sorry guys!) which means it’s time to tell you what we have been up to for the past week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

Melissa - Currently reading Half Bad by Sally Green - so unique and really into this!

Kristy - Disruption by Jessica Shirvington (keep an eye out for our stop on the Disruption blog tour tomorrow!)


What did you recently finish reading?

Melissa - Nothing new to report! Reading progress has been slooooooooow.

Kristy - I am such a bad blogger - I have nothing new to report here. I have been away for work, and the long days didn’t allow to read anything… unless you could casually browsing Lonely Planet’s Guide to Prague :)


What do you think you’ll read next?

Melissa - Dangerous by Shannon Hale is next!

Kristy - I currently have no set plans (I win the bad blogger award again)


What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

What do you think?

  • I LOVE HALF BAD. OH SO MUCH SO MUCH. *calms down slightly* It really is unbelievable genius. X) I’m so glad you like it so far…!!

    • Kristy says:

      I have heard so many great things about it! I am sort of jealous that Melissa got to read this one before me, but I am glad that she is enjoying it :)

  • Ikao says:

    I’ve heard great things about Half Bad! I’m still in early chapter of Cinder since last week. I have terrible reading week because I spend the night by playing Line Play lol. Maybe I’ll finish it this weekend :D
    Ikao recently posted…Book Haul + Wrap Up : March 2014My Profile

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