Divergent Movie Featurettes

Divergent (the movie) will be released in Australia on 10 April - and both Melissa and I are very excited about this movie adaptation!

I am going to an advance screening on April 7 and Melissa will be going to see it as soon as she possibly can. And even though it isn’t that far away now, we still don’t think it is soon enough! Are you looking forward to this movie as much as we are? Do you have high hopes for this adaptation? Is there anything in particular you want to see on the big screen (besides Four shirtless)?

The wonderful people at Entertainment One Australia have provided us with some featurettes to help get us in the mood for this highly anticipated movie (like we needed any more reasons to get excited - but yay!). So, please enjoy the below featurettes they have kindly allowed us to share with you:



Meet Four


Tris vs. Jeanine


Awesome right? It looks like it is going to be one great movie!!!

As Melissa and I love the Divergent series, below is a list of all of our posts relating to Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant:


We hope you all enjoy the movie!

What do you think?

  • Noni says:

    I am super excited for this movie! We have tickets for the 7th of April as well!.
    The book was amazing so I can’t wait to see what they have done with it!

  • I think I saw it yesterday or two days ago lol but it was really good! I think they were very close to the book, and the cast was awesome. I just wish some of the supporting characters were developed more. The movie was a bit looooong though but whatever, it was still awesome. Can’t wait to know you and Melissa’s thoughts on it!

  • Kelly says:

    Ooh I hope you like this! I really enjoyed it, and got surprisingly choked up during the zip line scene (I couldn’t help but think of Allegiant). There are some minor things I could gripe about, but overall I thought it was really well done!


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