Bookshelf Bliss #3

Another week of drool-worthy bookshelves, bookcases and libraries! We hope you enjoy these amazing (and some very colourful) displays of books!

What do you think?

  • Rachel Schieffelbein says:

    So beautiful!

  • Oh mahhh goodness the 3rd and 4th pictures are sooo epic! I wish I can have those books….if only I had room to own that…

  • Brea says:

    Oh, my! Colour organised shelves! *fans self*
    And I love the last picture. So cute and cozy!

  • Rinn says:

    This combines ALL the things I’d love in my own personal library: wall length bookshelves, secret doors behind shelves, a spiral staircase, at least ONE shelf where books are sorted by colour (I’ve always wanted to do that) and comfy armchairs. Heaven :)

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