Bookshelf Bliss #5

Hi again! Here is some more unique bookshelf bliss for you to admire!

What do you think?

  • Leigh says:

    I really like the one where the books are all in arc shape! I don’t really like bookshelves that are circular though because I don’t like wasting space haha.

    • Kristy says:

      I just don’t have the luxury to waste space when it comes to books :) Although it looks good, it just isn’t practical for a lot of booklovers

  • When I’m rich for just being awesome (because pretty much there’s no way I’ll ever have enough to have a personal library) I want a study in my house which looks like those. I especially love the first one. Brings me back to how much I loved the Beast for giving Belle his library in Beauty and the Beast!

  • Olivia says:

    All these book shelves are beautiful. One day, I’d like to have a study just filled with books. At the moment, I’ve run out of room, so now I just have stacks of paperbacks just lying everywhere, haha.

    • Kristy says:

      Don’t worry Olivia - you are not alone with having book stacks… I think most of us suffer from that (besides those lucky few that do have personal libraries or lots of room for multiple bookcases)

  • Annie says:

    Woah, that last one is so cool! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it. Adding style to function! :)

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