W..W..W.. Wednesdays
It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what we have been up to for the past week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.
What are you currently reading?
Melissa - I’ve currently started reading Batman Volume 3: Death of the Family. Finally catching up on some Batman reads at last.
Kristy - I have actually banned myself from reading anything until I write some reviews. I am a few reviews behind, so I best do those before I make the list any longer :)
What did you recently finish reading?
Melissa - I had a big week for books. I finished reading Identity Crisis by Brad Meltzer, Harley Quinn: Preludes & Knock Knock Jokes by Karl Kesel, Batman Volume 1: The Court of Owls, Batman Volume 2: The City of Owls & Superman/Wonder Woman Volume 1: Power Couple which I received as an ARC from DC Comics.
Kristy - I listened to Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1) by Leigh Bardugo on audiobook.
What do you think you’ll read next?
Melissa - Possibly Batgirl: Year One or maybe Gotham Central Volume 1.
Kristy - Well, I will have to move on to Siege and Storm (The Grisha #2) by Leigh Bardugo, but I am unsure if I will do this before or after reading The Winners Curse (The Winners Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutcoski.
What do you think?
I hope to listen to Shadow and Bone soon. I hear so many great things about it.
I wish I could ban myself from reading to do reviews. i am so far behind, but I can’t seem to stop reading.
I hope you get to Shadow and Bone soon JennRenee!
And I had to ban myself, I didn’t want to get too far behind in my reviews. I don’t like leaving it too long, as I want to do the book justice :)
Siege and Storm is a personal favorite of mine, but I’d also like to see your thoughts on The Winner’s Curse… so I guess either really is a great option :D Good luck with those reviews!
Thanks Kayla. I went with The Winners Curse… even before I finished the other reviews :) So even though that added another review to the list (which I have done), it was so worth it!
Ha, love that Melissa is reading so much Batman right now. Sort of fun to see on a blog when you’re so used to everyone just talking about YA.
Tsk tsk Kristy for being behind on reviews! How could you?! :P At least you’re trying to do something about it, I guess. Review away! I’m actually behind on reviews as well, as in I probably have ten different books I’ve read and have notes on for reviews, but I actually have written them. Don’t know if I ever will, but it’s not like anyone cares because they’re not ARCs or anything! :P Anyways, I hope you liked Shadow and Bone! I LOVED that one, but wasn’t as impressed with the sequel. Need to get my hands on a copy of Ruin and Rising soon!
I know! How could I??? And I was trying to do something about it - it completely work, but I did get 2/3 done :) And they were ARCs so I needed to make it a priority.
I really enjoyed Shadow and Bone - I have put Siege and Storm to the side for a little while because I do have some ARCs I want to read, but then I will return to that series. I hope you get Ruin and Rising soon (and you love it as much as Shadow and Bone)
And yes, Melissa is bringing something new and fresh… she has me tempted to start with comics :)