Stacking the Shelves #91

Hi everyone! We hope that everyone has had a great week! Stacking the Shelves is what we have added to our bookshelves in past week. Melissa hasn’t added anything to her shelves this week, so this week it will only be what new books I have added to my ever-growing TBR pile :)

Stacking the Shelves is bought to you by Tynga from Tynga’s Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


In Kristy’s mailbox:

Fool’s Assassin (The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb

Thank you to Harper Voyager for a copy of this (huge) book!

Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withywoods with his beloved wife Molly these many years, the estate a reward to his family for loyal service to the crown.

But behind the facade of respectable middle-age lies a turbulent and violent past. For Tom Badgerlock is actually FitzChivalry Farseer, bastard scion of the Farseer line, convicted user of Beast-magic, and assassin. A man who has risked much for his king and lost more…

On a shelf in his den sits a triptych carved in memory stone of a man, a wolf and a fool. Once, these three were inseparable friends: Fitz, Nighteyes and the Fool. But one is long dead, and one long-missing.

Then one Winterfest night a messenger arrives to seek out Fitz, but mysteriously disappears, leaving nothing but a blood-trail. What was the message? Who was the sender? And what has happened to the messenger?

Suddenly Fitz’s violent old life erupts into the peace of his new world, and nothing and no one is safe.


Snow Like Ashes (Snow Like Ashes, #1) by Sara Raasch

My pre-order arrived! And it is so pretty!!! Yes I was naughty and purchased the international edition - it was too pretty to resist, and I couldn’t wait for it to be released in Australia.

A heartbroken girl. A fierce warrior. A hero in the making.

Sixteen years ago the Kingdom of Winter was conquered and its citizens enslaved, leaving them without magic or a monarch. Now, the Winterians’ only hope for freedom is the eight survivors who managed to escape, and who have been waiting for the opportunity to steal back Winter’s magic and rebuild the kingdom ever since.

Orphaned as an infant during Winter’s defeat, Meira has lived her whole life as a refugee, raised by the Winterians’ general, Sir. Training to be a warrior—and desperately in love with her best friend, and future king, Mather — she would do anything to help her kingdom rise to power again.

So when scouts discover the location of the ancient locket that can restore Winter’s magic, Meira decides to go after it herself. Finally, she’s scaling towers, fighting enemy soldiers, and serving her kingdom just as she’s always dreamed she would. But the mission doesn’t go as planned, and Meira soon finds herself thrust into a world of evil magic and dangerous politics – and ultimately comes to realize that her destiny is not, never has been, her own.


That is all from us this week, what did you receive in your mailboxes? Let us know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • I’m seeing Snow Like Ashes EVERYWHERE. Which is awesome, but it totally means I need to read it. >.> *glances at massive TBR* Gosh, I need to calm down. BUT I JUST WANT TO READ ALL THE BOOKS. #bookwormproblems
    Cait @ Notebook Sisters recently posted…The 10 Types of Book BloggersMy Profile

  • You know that Snow like Ashes isn’t going to be released as a paperback here!!! *cries* I’m definitely going to buy a copy though, I don’t think I can resist that cover! Hope you enjoy all your books this week lovely lady x
    Gina @ Behind the Pages recently posted…Book Discussion: My Bookish ConfessionsMy Profile

    • Kristy says:

      Thank you my little rabid fairy :)

      I saw on the Harper site that the edition coming out here next year is the hardcover edition - which is very strange for Australia. But at least this way you know you will love the cover!

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