Book Tag: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I’ve been tagged for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by the lovely Bernadette from The Bumbling Bookworm. Make sure you pop on over and check out her wonderful blog!!

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions they’ve sent you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate ten people.


My Answers:

What’s your favourite book outside of the genre you read most often?

Hmmm. I am one of those readers that tends to read most genres… I have phases, and I always enjoy something new and unique. I do tend to stick with books that are fantasy, or have some fantasy element, so I will pick some outside that. For contemporary I will go with the upcoming All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven - it will crush you! I also enjoy a good illustrated book, but I would definitely say a book that is so much more than a novel with illustrations, and that is In the Shadows by Kiersten White and Jim Di Bartolo.


Any TV shows in particular that you’re addicted to right now?

Sons of Anarchy. And Game of Thrones (but it is the off-season for that).


Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring? And why?

Summer! I love the sun and the surf. And I live in Tassie, so you know, any warmth is appreciated ;)


Do you have a favourite place to read?

My couch. My couch and I have a very special relationship.


What’s your favourite book to visual adaptation?

Oooh. I like how this was worded - visual, which means it is not only movies :) Well if I am being totally honest, it is a graphic novel sampler for Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Not many people would know what I am talking about, as it was a limited promotional item in the UK, but the art was done by Jim Di Bartolo, and it is perfect!


Do you listen to audiobooks and, if so, where do you get them from?

I do sometimes. Not very often, but on the odd occassion. And I get them from Audible.


What’s your favourite quote?

Hope makes it’s own magic - Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor


Most recent holiday? Any more planned?

I recently went to Prague and London. It was a dream holiday as Prague is probably my most favourite place in the world (which is possibly part of the reason why I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone so much), and in London I met Laini Taylor!! Holidays do not get any better than my favourite place and my favourite author :) No more planned at this stage, going to the other side of the world wiped out my bank balance.


Sweets or savouries?

Sweets! Definitely! I do like savoury too, but I cannot go past something sweet.


What is the thing you love most about blogging?

The people I have met. I have made some really great friends through blogging, and I know that even if I stopped blogging, I would always have them.


I Nominate:

Kayla from The Thousand Lives

Kate at Fictional Thoughts

Jaz at Fiction in Fiction in Fiction

Chiara at Delicate Eternity

Laura at Laura Plus Books

Renee at Book Boyfriends

Brit at Crash My Book Party

Joy at Thoughts by J

Gina from Behind the Pages

Jayvee at Writer for Misfits

To be honest, I am far to lazy at the moment to think of 10 questions, and since I really liked the questions that Bernadette asked, I am going to break the rules and nominate them as my questions as well! :)

What do you think?

  • ARGH! I REALLY NEED ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it, and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. January can’t come soon enough.

    “Hope makes its own magic” is such a beautiful quote - and lucky! Prague and London! How gorgeous. I bet you had the most fab time. I can’t wait to be able to travel to both of those places one day.
    Ebony @ Daring Damsels recently posted…Dracula’s & A Book LaunchMy Profile

  • Alana says:

    Laura @ LauraPlusBooks just leant me All The Bright Places and I can’t wait to read it! I’ve heard so many good things about it! Summer is definitely my favourite season too.. I cannot stand cold weather! Omgosh Prague and London! I recently went to London and loved it! Didn’t get to go to Prague though unfortunately but it looks GORGEOUS. I’ll have to go sometime soon. Definitely agree.. Sweets will always win! :P
    Alana recently posted…Book Review: Goddess by Laura PowellMy Profile

  • OMG I love Prague, Kristy! I wonder if we went at the same time this year? :D Gosh, I can live in that city forever, so I know what you mean. I read Daughter of Smoke & Bone straight after I got back from my trip and fell in love with the city all over again!

    Thanks for tagging me, this sounds super fun :D
    Joy @ Thoughts By J recently posted…Book Review: Gone Girl by Gillian FlynnMy Profile

  • Great answers! I love it! This has made me VERY excited to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, which is next up once I finish The Sky is Everywhere. I completely agree with you about Summer, it’s definitely my favourite season. And having visited Tassie in winter, I can certainly understand why you’d appreciate the warmth :)
    Bernadette @ The Bumbling Bookworm recently posted…Sunday Funday: Week In Review {4}My Profile

  • All the Bright Places is next on my TBR list… I keep pushing it back because I’m so afraid of it! But I have to read it soon since the pub. date is coming up in a few weeks… #notready

    Thank you so much for nominating me! Can’t wait to answer all the questions :D
    Kayla @ The Thousand Lives recently posted…Weekly Update #55 (November 30) - The Movie EditionMy Profile

  • Thank you for the tag lovely!! I literally just published my one, and I agree, way too lazy to post new questions lol. Oh, All the Bright Places was BRILLIANT! I loved every second of it.
    Gina @ Behind the Pages recently posted…Book Tag: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers AwardMy Profile

  • […] off, massive thank you to Eugenia from Genie in a Book and Kristy from Book Nerd Reviews for tagging me for this amazing award. Now, as you guys know, I like to break the rules when I do […]

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