Aussie Online Book Shopping Tips

Hi everyone! Since the announcement of the change of policies for of Australia’s largest online bookstores, there has been a lot of talk online from us Aussie’s who buy books online.. Money matters, especially when it means that saving money means buying more books… so I thought I would put together a post with information about online bookstores for us Australian retailers.

Below is a list of online bookstores and information about them. Some information you may know, some you may not. And down the bottom there is also a little “tips” section. Whether you buy a book at a time, or large orders all at once, hopefully this information may help to save you a little money, so that you can buy more books!

So here we go!

Australian Online Bookstores:

Angus & Robertson: A&R can have some great bargains, with most prices under RRP. They do charge a flat deliver fee of $5.99, but do offer free shipping for orders over $30.00.

Basement Books: This discounted bookstore offers online shopping as well. It is a selected range, but that is because they offer major discounts on books! Be sure to keep checking this site as the range often changes. They charge a flat delivery fee of $5.95 for orders under $30.00, but if your total shopping does goes over $30.00, then shipping is free.

Bookfari: Bookfari offers free delivery Australia wide. Prices are below RRP and you can sometimes pick up an international edition here as well.

Booktopia: Booktopia is one of the big players in Aussie online bookstores. They are always below RRP and quite often have some very good bargains. However they do charge a flat fee of $6.95 per order for delivery (this fee is the same no matter how many books you purchase). With the delivery fee it may be best to do large orders through this store. However, see my tips section below for a little trick :)

Bookworld: Bookworld is by far and wide the most used online bookstore used by my bookish friends here down under (myself included). There were so many reasons why Aussies used Bookworld - however, sadly, some of those reasons are no longer. Bookworld are always below RRP and have a fantastic range! You can also quite often get international editions through this site. They also offer items such as DVDs, Blu Rays and CDs. Bookworld now charge a flat delivery fee of $5.50 per order. Once again, with the delivery fee attached, you may be best to order multiple items per order rather than single items.

Boomerang Books: Below RRP, Boomerang Books also offer access to international editions as well. They charge a flat fee of $6.95 per delivery but also offer a membership where you can earn and redeem points.

Collins: As another major retailer, Collins also offer online ordering. Once again being an actual bookstore you will be probably paying closer to the RRP. They do charge for postage - sadly I couldn’t find the rate online, but they do advertise they offer free shipping for orders of $50.00.

Co-op: Co-op offer a large range of fiction as well as educational books. If you are a member of Co-op you can receive a discount from the RRP, and they offer free delivery across Australia.

Dymocks: Australia’s favourite bookstore also do online orders. As a retailer, the prices of books are often RRP - but keep your eyes out for the great specials that Dymocks have from time to time. They also charge a flat delivery fee of $5.99. But an added bonus of shopping online with Dymocks is that you will still be rewarded with points on your Dymocks Booklover Rewards membership.

Fishpond: Fishpond offers a large selection of titles, often below RRP. You can also find a large selection of international editions. Fishpond offer free delivery. You can also get DVD’s, Blu Rays and CD’s from Fishpond.

QBD: This major retailer does offer free shipping Australia wide! You will pay closer to RRP on most occasions, but they do have some great bargains.. and often are able to source international titles as well! They also have a “clearance” section where you can pick up some great deals. But an added bonus of shopping online with QBD is that you can earn and redeem points if you are a QBD Rewards Program member (I think you have to become a member in store).

The Nile: The Nile offers free delivery Australia wide. They are below RRP and they also offer a selection of international titles. You can also find a huge range of other book related things at The Nile, such as DVDs, Blu Rays and CDs. The Nile also also offer a membership where you can earn and redeem points online.


International online bookstores:

Then there is the international online retailers. Some buy from international suppliers, some don’t - it is all personal choice. There are both good and bad aspects to buying internationally, but I am just here to give you the facts, not to give you a moral lesson, so all I will say is please note that delivery from international suppliers often takes longer to arrive on your doorstep.

Amazon: Amazon - what can you say? They offer a fantastic range, often at fantastic prices - but their delivery prices are what kills you! Also, please note that if you buy from or, you are charged in their local currency, so you will be charged a conversion fee by your bank, and you will pay their daily conversion rate.

The Book Depository: By far and wide the most used international supplier by Australians. They have a huge range of books, they are well below RRP and they offer free shipping worldwide! Pre-orders in particular are of great value, as are those international editions you may want. They do not however stock many Australian editions, and if they do, they are often more expensive than buying from within Australia. The Book Depository charges you in Australian dollars (if you have selected the Australia as your region) so you will pay no conversion fees.

Wordery: This company started as rivals to TBD. They are getting there. Their range can be limited, but they are sometimes cheaper than TBD. They also offer free worldwide delivery, and offer multiple currencies to choose for your payment (Australian currency is available).



Australian retailers:

Many independent bookstores also offer online ordering, please check with your favourite bookstore to see if they offer this service. Glee Books in Sydney and The Little Bookroom in Melbourne are two of my faves that offer delivery.

You will mostly like pay RRP for the books ordered, and possibly no discounted postage, but you will be supporting much needed Australian indie stores!


Australian Publishers:

Didn’t think about the publishers? Don’t worry, a lot of people don’t.

Allen & Unwin: A&U also offer online shopping. Mostly RRP, but they do offer free delivery Australia wide.

Bloomsbury: Bloomsbury are another one that offer online ordering. They also have some great specials from time to time - I recommend you keep an eye out for their deals, as they can be up to as much as 50% off RRP. They charge a flat fee of $5.00 for delivery.

Harlequin: All titles at Harlequin are below RRP, but they do charge a flat delivery fee of $7.00. I recommend you sign up to their newsletter as they often have deals that can save you 30-40% of the RRP, and sometimes even free shipping deals if you spend over a certain amount.

Pan Macmillan: You can order online at Pan Macmillan, but they are generally RRP prices, and there is a delivery fee of $10.00.

Penguin: You can also online at Penguin, but they are generally RRP prices, and there is a delivery fee of $5.00.

Scholastic: Scholastic offer online shopping, and sometimes are below RRP. They often have great deals too. They charge a flat delivery fee of $4.99.


*note: all delivery fees mentioned are for regular shipping. Most online stores offer express or courier options, but you will pay more for those services


Hot Tips

Sign up! Sign up to all online book sellers - become a member, register for their newsletters, anything you can! Being a member or signing up for newsletters if the best way to be alerted of deals or getting special offers. Places such as Bookworld send members exclusive discounts (well they did, I assume they still will) of anywhere between 10-30% discount. Newsletters from online book sellers will also alert you to sales that are happening - this includes publishers. Harlequin for example often send out discount codes to those that are registered.

Social media: Follow bookstores and publishers via Twitter or Facebook. They often advertise any sales they have via social media.

Goodreads: The Australian YA Bloggers and Readers group often share any discounts and sales they know about. And not just the mods, the wonderful members of this group share information when they hear about it. It is a great source of information - so if you are an Aussie and haven’t joined up yet, you can do so here.

Click Frenzy: Some of the online bookstores have massive sales during Click Frenzy - it could be clearance items, a certain percentage off all books or free shipping - or a combination of all those things. So keep your eye out during Click Frenzy.

Booko: Booko is my biggest tip for you (if you don’t already know about it). There is nothing worse than searching for the best price for that certain book - having a million pages open on your computer while comparing prices can get frustrating and confusing. Especially when you then have to factor in postage costs which are never added on the first screen. Here is where Booko comes in handy! You can search for a book, and it does most of the hard work for you! Just enter the title you are looking for (it is quicker if you have the ISBN, but it isn’t necessary) and it will find the price of this book at a lot of online retailers and list the prices for you (including postage). However, it will not check every site, and on the odd occasion the price can be wrong. But it is a great tool!! I use it all the time.

Booko and Booktopia: So you know how above I mentioned that Booktopia charges for shipping. Well, another great tip for you is that if you find the book you want via Booko, and click on the link from it to Booktopia, it is free shipping! The only thing is, if Booktopia are offering a discount coupon, you cannot layer that with the free shipping, so if you are wanting to use a discount code, then you should weigh up the price of the discount vs the free shipping and see which works best for you.


Do you have any thoughts on online shopping? Do you have any tips to share with us? Please comment below!

What do you think?

  • Ahhhh, you’re a lifesaver, Kristy! Thank you so much for this post. I didn’t know about a lot of those Aussie online shops, and I’ve never heard of Booko before - definitely bookmarking this post and coming back to it whenever I need to shop online for books. :D
    Ebony @ Daring Damsels recently posted…Books Read in NovemberMy Profile

  • I hardly every buy books, so this is helpful! I have ot admit, I’m absolutely crying about Bookworld. They were AMAZING. If I do buy books I only ever get one at a time, so I’ve basically had to scratch them off my go-to list. It’s Book Depository all the way for me now (except it takes aaages for books to get here, which is frustrating). I’m checking out Wordery though! I didn’t even know about that one. :)))
    Cait @ Notebook Sisters recently posted…Goodbye! I’m Moving!My Profile

  • Amazing post! I’ll have to bookmark this for reference the next time I’m in book-buying mode. I adore Booko but I had no idea that there is no shipping costs if you click through to buy from Booktopia! Definitely something to keep in mind - I’d much rather support Aussie sites if I can afford to. I also find myself buying a lot of books in Big W, the prices are quite cheap and there’s the added bonus of having the book in my hot little hands without delay.
    Thanks again!
    Bernadette @ The Bumbling Bookworm recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books I’m Excited for in 2015My Profile

  • Kelly says:

    I’ve never heard of Booko before. Why haven’t you told me? All this time and I could have been getting free shipping from Booktopia, that’s half the price of another book! I want to test it out now, but book buying ban. But this really isn’t about shopping per say, it’s more testing, so I’m pretty sure that doesn’t qualify, right?

    I love Co - op, I’ve actually bought heaps of books on there and free postage. It can take a while as they hunt down copies for you at the listed price, but it’s worth it when with some titles you end up paying 75% below RRP. Bookmarking this page so I can shop from it. HOORAY for HOOTERS!
    Kelly recently posted…The Bookish Best Of… Wherefore art thou book?My Profile

  • […] Kristy shares some Aussie online book shopping tips. […]

  • This is such an awesome list Kristy! Thank you so much for sharing :) I had no idea that some of these even existed! My soul was pretty crushed when Bookworld had to start charging postage but now it feels slightly better. Thank you!!!!

  • OMG this is seriously the best! I’m definitely saving this post for future reference. I’ve never heard of Booko, but I’ve already used it to buy a few books, and it’s such a lifesaver!
    Gina @ Behind the Pages recently posted…Book Tag: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers AwardMy Profile

  • […] Kristy @ Book Nerd Reviews gives us Australians some fantastic online book shopping tips and advice. […]

  • I know you posted this over a month ago, but I’ve had this sitting in my inbox wanting to read it, and I finally got around to it today. This is the best post ever! Booko is just what I’ve been looking for. I always open a million tabs going from one online store to the other to compare prices. This will save me so much time. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Rochelle Sharpe recently posted…Review: Better Than Perfect.My Profile

  • […] Kristy @ Book Nerd Reviews gives us Australians some fantastic online book shopping tips and advice. […]

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