Bad Blogger


I just wanted to drop by and say sorry! I have been such a bad blogger and I truly am sorry!

Life has been pretty crazy for me the past 2 or so months. Work has been insane, and instead of being an office worker that works 9-5, I have had to temporarily slip into another role which means I am out in the field (I mean this literally), everywhere across the state, and working long hours.

I have been sent all across the state (and no, no matter what anyone tells you, Tasmania isn’t so small you drive around it in one day), doing long days involving lots of physical work and I am often away from home all week - and most of the time without decent, if any, internet access. So by the time I get home on Friday nights, buy food, unpack, wash, dry, re-pack, it is Sunday afternoon again.

Life is crazy, it happens, I know. But everything seems to slipping away from me at the moment - I even find it hard to remain active on Twitter. And I am crushed I didn’t make the deadline to be a part of the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa! I just couldn’t find the time (and internet access) to pick 3 books within the allocated spending amount :(

So, I am sorry to the following:

Followers: I am sorry that I haven’t posted a lot. I do want to, but it just isn’t happening at the moment. I am also sorry for not replying to comments left on posts.

Bloggers: I am sorry about my lack of comments to you. I am not a huge commenter at the best of times, but lately it has basically been no comments at all. I am catching up when I am at home, but comments are so not happening at the moment.

Pubishers: I am sorry for my slow responses, for not getting to those review copies read quickly, or posting reviews as quickly as I would like.

My books: I am sorry I am neglecting you at the moment, I really do want to read you!! But I am just too tired to hold you and read the wonderful words on your pages. I will come back to you, I promise!


I know this time of year is crazy for everyone. Melissa has been busy with work herself, and Jocie is busy with Uni. Not to mention the silly season has now hit us as well (Christmas shopping is not going well for me at all!). But I just wanted to drop a quick line to tell you all that I am not ignoring you, I do love you, and I hope to be back to you all very soon! I hope that you are all having a great December, and that you are looking forward to that old fat guy in the red suit coming into your house at night and watching you sleep. Sounds creepy when you put it like that, doesn’t it? (now we know where Edward Cullen got the idea from). But I hope that this creepy old man leaves you lots of books to enjoy!!!



What do you think?

  • Brit says:

    Life can get in the way of the fun stuff sometimes can’t it? Hopefully you get a break from your busy work schedule and can return to the world of blogging and reading soon! Have a wonderful Christmas Kristy :)
    Brit recently posted…An Outback NurseMy Profile

  • Annie says:

    Aww, you don’t need to apologize! I’m sure we all understand how you’re feeling because we’ve probably all gone through it as well! Sometimes, we can’t keep up with blogging as much as we’d like to and that’s okay! It sounds like you’re really busy right now so focus on YOU. We’ll always be here for you no matter what :)
    Annie recently posted…Epic Recs: December 2014My Profile

  • Sometimes life gets in the way and you don’t own an apology to anyone! I liked seeing something from you though and you sound so busy. Take care of yourself and good luck with your work!
    Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted…Review 305. A.G Howard – Unhinged.My Profile

  • Work or study does get in the way of everything else sometimes, it’s bound to happen once or twice don’t you think? That’s one hell of a scenic change tho, travelling all over Tasmania ;) I’ve lived in Tas for *counts fingers* 9 years now, and I’ve seen so little of this state, it’s kinda sad *pouts*
    Hope you get your Christmas shopping done haha!!
    Belle @ Fangirling Misses recently posted…Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. ArmentroutMy Profile

  • Renee says:

    Good luck to all of you with your work and I hope to see you all back soon-(ish) but not before you’re all ready. :D
    Renee recently posted…Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.My Profile

  • Kelly says:

    I totally blame society for places unrealistic expectations on us. Break the shackles and be free my children!

    I’m not drunk, although I feel like I probably should be. Life is too chaotic this time of year to have to worry about blogging. In the grand scheme of things, it shouldn’t really rate too highly on anyone’s list of priorities. We’ll all still be here when you get back. So sort your shit out! :D :D

    I’m yanking your chain boobies. But make sure you take care of yourselves. When we’re super busy the first thing we tend to neglect is us <3
    Kelly recently posted…Buddy Read with Gina: Dangerous Girls by Abigail HaasMy Profile

  • I feel you! It really is a crappy feeling when reality bites back. Don’t feel bad, believe me coz I’m the worst blogger. I’m just rushing my backlogs in the last few days of December. -____- oh well! You can always make up for it! Merry Christmas! :)
    Arra (Style Reader) recently posted…A Year Ago In JapanMy Profile

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