Luscious Libraries #3

Hi everyone! As we all love books (that’s given since we are all here), and we all love looking at all things bookish. So I thought I would bring you some of the most luscious libraries from around the world. I hope you enjoy trotting around the globe looking at some of the best places that house thousands or millions of books in stylish fashion!

University of Aberdeen New Library (Scotland)


Apache Junction Public Library (Arizona, United States)


Biblioteca EPM (Colombia)


Biblioteca Sandro Penna (Perugia, Italy)


Bristol Central Library (England)


What do you think?

  • BRISTOL. I WANT TO GO TO BRISTOL BASICALLY. Although I can just see my preschooler nephew falling in LOVE with that one in Arizona! XD
    Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…When Writers Can’t Remember // Also I Draw On Walls And Forget Quotes From My Own BooksMy Profile

  • Wow. I think this post just basically made me want to cry. ABERDEEN. WOW.
    Zoey @ Uncreatively Zoey recently posted…The Sunday Post {1}: The End of the Eternal Winter! (Or Not)My Profile

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